Now showing items 1101-1120 of 1927

    • Expanding foreign investment in the energy sector: Challenges and risks for Bangladesh? 

      Wiig, Arne; Kolstad, Ivar (CMI Brief vol. 13 no. 4, Report, 2014-04-22)
      Our recent research indicates that increased corruption brings increased foreign direct investment (FDI) in the extractive industries. Moreover, corruption has no effect on FDI in the energy provision industries. This brief ...
    • Open government reforms: The challenge of making public consultations meaningful in Croatia 

      Guillán, Aránzazu; Taxell, Nils (U4 Report 2015:3, Research report, 2015-12-01)
      A strong dialogue between government and civil society provides a sound foundation for open government reforms in Croatia. The adoption and implementation of commitments aimed at strengthening public consultations in ...
    • Exogenous state-building: The contradictions of the international project in Afghanistan 

      Suhrke, Astri (The rule of law in Afghanistan. Missing in inaction, Chapter, 2011-01-01)
      In the contemporary writing on state-building in post-conflict situations, remarkably little attention is paid to what it takes to build a state. There is much advice on policy priorities and sequencing – security, rule ...
    • The Politics of Local Boundaries and Conflict in Sudan. The South Darfur Case 

      Takana, Yousif (Sudan Working Paper SWP 2008: 2, Working paper, 2008-02-20)
      Up to 1994, Darfur region (the present three states of Darfur) had remained a single integrated political and administrative unit since the establishment of the Kaira Kingdom in the 17 th century. Historically, the Kaira ...
    • Policy Brief IV – Solid Waste Management in Maputo, Mozambique 

      Tvedten, Inge; Mangueleze, Lizete; Uate, Arlindo (CMI Brief vol. 14 no. 4, Report, 2015-06-01)
      This is the fourth in a series of policy briefs relating to the research project, “The Ethnography of a Divided City: Socio-politics, Poverty and Gender in Maputo, Mozambique” (2012–2015), funded by the Norwegian Research ...
    • Er Kabul trygt for retur? 

      Wimpelmann, Torunn; Strand, Arne (Others, 2017-11-01)
      Noreg har så langt i år returnert over 500 afghanarar til Kabul. Samtidig er tryggleiken forverra i heile landet, og spesielt Kabul har store sivile tap. Stortinget er delt i oppfatninga om ein skal stanse eller halde fram ...
    • Reality Checks Mozambique. Annual Report. Year Four, 2014 - Entrepreneurship 

      Tvedten, Inge (Research report, 2014-01-01)
      A series of five “Reality Checks in Mozambique” will take place in the period 2011-2016, focussing on the dynamics of poverty and well-being with a particular focus on good governance, agriculture/employment/ climate and ...
    • Good governance for medicines initiatives: Exploring lessons learned 

      Kohler, Jillian Clare; Ovtcharenko, Natalia (U4 Issue 2013:3, Research report, 2013-05-13)
      Corruption in the pharmaceutical system results in wasted resources, limited access to health services and reduced health gains. In this U4 Issue paper, we examine select global initiatives in the area of good governance ...
    • Resumo de Política IV Gestão dos Resíduos Sólidos em Maputo, Moçambique 

      Tvedten, Inge; Mangueleze, Lizete; Uate, Arlindo (CMI Brief vol. 14 no. 4, Report, 2015-08-01)
      Este é o quarto de uma série de resumos de política relacionados com o projecto de investigação “A Etnografia de uma Cidade Dividida: Sócio-política, Pobreza e Género em Maputo, Moçambique” (2012–2015), financiado pelo ...
    • The Parliament of Bangladesh. Challenges and Way Forward 

      Jahan, Rounaq (CPD-CMI Brief no. 1, Report, 2012-04-13)
      In the forty years since independence Bangladesh has rotated between electoral democracy and military rule, and between parliamentary and presidential system of government. The frequent systemic changes have hindered the ...
    • La Corruption et la Pêche Industrielle en Afrique 

      Standing, André (U4 Issue 2008:9, Research report, 2008-12-18)
      Les ressources marines d’Afrique sont en grande demande et prennent de l’importance dans le domaine géopolitique. La concurrence entre les nations de pêches principales pour l’accès et le contrôle sur les ressources marines ...
    • The role of donors in the recovery of stolen assets 

      Zinkernagel, Gretta Fenner; Pereira, Pedro Gomes; De Simone, Francesco (U4 Issue 2014:08, Research report, 2014-12-10)
      Financial crimes such as corruption, fraud, and embezzlement generate significant profits, often at the expense of the public budget. These proceeds of crime are usually hidden outside of the country where the crime was ...
    • Fiscal Decentralisation and Corruption - A Brief Overview of the Issues 

      Kolstad, Ivar; Fjeldstad, Odd-Helge (U4 Issue 2006:3, Research report, 2006-01-01)
      A frequently used argument for fiscal decentralisation is that it increases accountability in the spending and raising of public funds, by moving government closer to the people. At the same time, there are concerns that ...
    • Tax amnesty in Angola: a fresh start or a vicious circle? 

      Fjeldstad, Odd-Helge; Jensen, Søren Kirk; Paulo, Francisco Miguel (Angola Brief vol. 4 no. 9, Report, 2014-09-17)
      The Angolan Parliament has recently approved a comprehensive set of new tax legislation as part of the ongoing non-oil tax reform. An amnesty for taxpayers’ outstanding debt is part of the reform package. Given the lawlessness ...
    • Expectations and Fears. The impact of the 1992 Elections 

      Amundsen, Inge (Others, 2008-01-01)
      Conferência sobre as Eleições em Angola. Centro de Estudos e Investigação Científica (CEIC), Universidade Católica de Angola. Terça-Feira, 4 de Novembro de 2008
    • Darfur crisis: The role of traditional leaders in dealing with violence against women 

      Takana, Yousif (CMI Sudan Working Paper SWP 2014:4, Working paper, 2014-12-15)
      The armed conflict between the Sudan government and rebel groups in Darfur erupted in 2003. Escalating violence included sexual assaults on women. Many women who have been raped live with a stigma, or are forced to get ...
    • Curbing Women Activists in Darfur in the wake of the International Criminal Court 

      Tønnessen, Liv (CMI Insight 2015:5, Report, 2015-01-01)
      In 2009, the international criminal court (ICC) warranted the arrest of Sudan’s sitting President indicting him for systematic and widespread sexual violence in Darfur. In the wake of the ICC, the Sudanese regime has curbed ...
    • Blood Elections: Presidential election in Syria within the Red Regime Lines 

      Jørum, Emma (CMI Insight 2014:4, Report, 2014-06-01)
      The oppositional groups called the June 3 presidential election “blood elections” because of the huge numbers of lives lost during the three years of war. When pro-regime voters marked their ballots with blood instead of ...
    • Business people’s views of paying taxes in Ethiopia 

      Yesegat, Wollela; Fjeldstad, Odd-Helge (ICTD Working Paper 43, Research report, 2016-01-01)
      This study examines factors that determine business people’s attitudes towards paying taxes in Ethiopia. Based on data obtained from a survey of business taxpayers in Addis Ababa, the study finds a statistically significant ...
    • Public construction projects - Angola. A need to fortify the barriers against corruption 

      Søreide, Tina (Angola Brief vol. 1 no. 5, Report, 2011-06-05)
      Between early 2002 and 2009 the Angolan government invested around $30.4 billion in new infrastructure, hospitals, schools and other public construction projects. These investments have been extraordinarily large against ...