Browsing Chr. Michelsens Institutt by Author "Lange, Siri"
Now showing items 1-20 of 34
Autonomy, Incentives and Patronage. A Study of Corruption in the Tanzania and Uganda Revenue Authorities
Fjeldstad, Odd-Helge; Kolstad, Ivar; Lange, Siri (Research report, Research report, 2003)The report explores factors that explain the observed patterns of corruption within the Tanzania Revenue Authority (TRA) and the Uganda Revenue Authority (URA). In particular, the study discusses the key assumptions behind ... -
Benefit Streams from Mining in Tanzania: Case Studies from Geita and Mererani
Lange, Siri (Research report, Research report, 2006)Tanzania is a ‘new’ mining country, and foreign investment in the mining sector has caused controversies. Government revenues from mining increased from 2 million US$ in 1998 to 36 million in 2002, but many stake holders ... -
Bringing the State back in. Corporate Social Responsibility and the paradoxes of Norwegian state capitalism in the international energy sector
Knudsen, Ståle; Rajak, Dinah; Lange, Siri; Hugøy, Isabelle (Focaal: Journal of Global and Historical Anthropology vol. 88, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020-10-01)This theme section brings the state back into anthropological studies of corporate social responsibility through the lens of Norwegian energy corporations working abroad. Th ese transnational corporations (TNCs) are expected ... -
Civil Society in Tanzania
Lange, Siri; Wallevik, Hege; Kiondo, Andrew (Research report, Research report, 2000)There has been a tremendous growth in non-governmental organisations in Tanzania over the last decades, and with the many reforms presently taking place, the civil society is expected to play a central role in both service ... -
Corporate Community Involvement and Local Institutions: Two Case Studies From the Mining Industry in Tanzania
Lange, Siri; Kolstad, Ivar (Journal of African Business vol. 13 no. 2, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2012-01-01)Corporate community involvement contributes capital or resources in various forms to a community. However, such involvement may also influence local institutions that determine how well these resources are used, i.e. the ... -
Cultural cooperation with Nepal
Lange, Siri; Shrestha, Era; Korvald, Tordis (Research report, Research report, 2009)This report is a mid-term review of Norway’s support to the cultural sector in Nepal. Norwegian support has focused on the following areas: theatre production, music education, institutional capacity building, and documentation ... -
Decentralisation and Gender Coordination and Cooperation on Maternal Health Issues in Selected District Councils in Tanzania
Schanke, Liss; Lange, Siri (Research report, Research report, 2008)This empirical study looks at coordination and cooperation within five district councils in Tanzania with a special focus on efforts to reduce maternal mortality. In what ways do district councils cooperate with local ... -
Decentralisation and gender. A study on coordination and cooperation in LGA for maternal health.
Lange, Siri; Schanke, Liss (Research report, 2007-11-26)Tanzania initiated the Local Government Reform Programme in 1996. The objective of the reform is decentralisation by devolution, and to strengthen local authorities' ability to deliver quality and accessible services in ... -
Doing global investments the Nordic way. The 'business case' for Equinor’s support to union work among its employees in Tanzania
Lange, Siri (Focaal: Journal of Global and Historical Anthropology vol. 88, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020-10-01)In the Nordic countries, unions are represented in company boards and can infl uence companies’ policies toward labor abroad. Th is article focuses on the Norwegian national oil company Equinor and its support of ... -
Effects of Payment for Performance on accountability mechanisms: Evidence from Pwani, Tanzania
Mayumana, Iddy; Borghi, Jo; Anselmi, Laura; Mamdani, Masuma; Lange, Siri (Social Science & Medicine vol. 179, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017-01-01)Payment for Performance (P4P) aims to improve provider motivation to perform better, but little is known about the effects of P4P on accountability mechanisms. We examined the effect of P4P in Tanzania on internal and ... -
End review of FDC’s project to strengthen the Expanded Programme on Immunization (EPI) in the Zambézia province, Mozambique
Lange, Siri; Chimbutane, Eugénio Salvador; Sitefane, Gaspar (CMI Report R 2014:3, Research report, 2014-09-01)This report is an end review of Fundação para o Desenvolvimento da Comunidade (FDC)’s project to support the implementation of the Expanded Programme on Immunization (EPI) in the Zambézia province. The purposes of the ... -
Evaluation of Norwegian Support to the Protection of Cultural Heritage
Lønning, Dag Jørund; Magnussen, Tone; Helland, Johan; Lange, Siri; Eide, Trine (Evaluation Reports 4, Research report, 2009-01-01)Support to culture, cultural heritage and arts has been part of Norway's development cooperation for many years. Several Norwegian institutions have been involved in this work, which has been guided by different strategies. ... -
Fra motstander til medspiller: Partnerskap mellom norske frivillige organisasjoner og norsk næringsliv
Lange, Siri; Spissøy, Arild; Brudvik, Marie (Research report, Research report, 2002)Denne rapporten tar for seg partnerskap mellom norske frivillige organisasjoner og norske bedrifter. Partnerskap innebærer et mer forpliktende samarbeid for å nå felles sosiale mål enn tradisjonelt sponsorsamarbeid. ... -
From Nation-Building to Popular Culture: The Modernization of Performance in Tanzania
Lange, Siri (Research report, Research report, 1995)This study focuses on Tanzania's efforts to use elements from ethnic expressive arts in political propaganda and in the creation of a national culture after Independence. It analyses why nationalized traditional dances ... -
Gender, regulation, and corporate social responsibility in the extractive sector: The case of Equinor’s social investments in Tanzania
Lange, Siri; Wyndham, Victoria (Women's Studies: International Forum vol. 84, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021-01-01)Multinational corporations have been criticised for their rhetorical support to - as opposed to substantive engagement with - gender equality in their corporate social responsibility (CSR) activities in poor countries. ... -
Gold and governance: Legal injustices and lost opportunities in Tanzania
Lange, Siri (African Affairs vol. 110 no. 439, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2011-01-01)Following advice from the World Bank, and hoping for economic growth and independence from donors, a number of African countries have opened up opportunities for large-scale mining by foreign investors over the last decade ... -
Haydom Lutheran Hospital: Midterm review of the Block Grant Support End review of the MDG 4 and 5 project support
Lange, Siri (CMI Report R 2013:4, Research report, 2013-08-19)Haydom Lutheran Hospital (HLH) is an important service provider in an area of Tanzania where the population is poor and government health services are inadequate. In 2011, The Royal Norwegian Embassy funded 61% of the ... -
How (not) to improve health worker performance
Lange, Siri; Mæstad, Ottar (Others, 2011-01-01) -
Huge potential for improved health service quality
Mæstad, Ottar; Mwisongo, Aziza; Lange, Siri (CMI Brief vol. 10 no. 10, Report, 2011-10-25)Health workers’ knowledge and skills are much better than their practice suggests. By closing the gap between knowledge and action, the quality of health services will increase substantially. -
Huge potential for improved health service quality
Mæstad, Ottar; Lange, Siri; Mwisongo, Aziza (Others, 2012-11-07)