Browsing Chr. Michelsens Institutt by Title
Now showing items 967-986 of 1981
La recuperación de activos robados: Un principio fundamental de la Convención de la ONU contra la corrupción
(U4 Brief 2007:16, Report, 2007-01-01)Pese a los cientos de miles de millones de dólares en ayuda humanitaria, las Naciones Unidas determinó en 2004 que 54 países eran en efecto más pobres que 15 años atrás. La mayoría de analistas ahora coincide con el ... -
La UNCAC en breve. Una guía breve a la Convención de las Naciones Unidas contra la Corrupción para personal de embajadas y agencias donantes
(U4 Brief 2013:8, Report, 2013-12-01)Esta guía presenta una introducción para el personal de embajadas y agencias donantes a nivel de país sobre lo que puede significar para su desempeño la Convención de las Naciones Unidas contra la Corrupción (UNCAC). -
Labor-intensive jobs for women and development: Intrahousehold welfare effects and its transmission channels
(CMI Working Paper WP 2015:15, Working paper, 2015-01-01)We examine the welfare impacts of women getting low-skilled jobs and find large positive effects, both at the household and the individual level. However, the women workers, their husbands and their oldest daughters reduced ... -
Labour-Intensive Jobs for Women and Development: Intra-household Welfare Effects and Its Transmission Channels
(Journal of Development Studies vol. 54 no. 7, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018-04-01)We examine the welfare impacts of poor women getting low-skilled jobs and find large positive income, consumption and poverty effects at household and individual levels. However, the women workers, their husbands and oldest ... -
Lack of consultation. Stakeholders perspectives on local content requirements in the petroleum sector in Tanzania
(CMI Brief vol. 15 no. 15, Report, 2016-10-01)Tanzania has recently discovered huge offshore natural gas fields. This has led the Government to develop Local Content Policies (LCPs) to increase local job and business opportunities. This brief presents the main findings ... -
Land dispute and death enmity in a Kohistani mountain village (Pakistan)
(CMI Working paper, Working paper, 1998)This paper reconstructs the events that unleashed death enmity between two closely related men. Recounting this complex story from the angle of the contestants challenges simplistic cultural and material explanations of ... -
Land issues and poverty reduction: Requirements for lasting peace in Sudan and Afghanistan
(The poorest and the hungry. Assessments, analyses, and actions, Chapter, 2009-11-01) -
Land Reforms and Land Degradation in Tanzania: Alternative Economic Approaches
(CMI Working paper, Working paper, 1995)This paper uses as a point of departure the extensive soil erosion problems in the highland area of Western Tanzania. The first part of the paper focuses on the ongoing debate on land reforms in Tanzania, particularly the ... -
Land tenure and mining in Tanzania
(Research report, Research report, 2008)Tanzania is a relatively new mining country, and mining has become a hotly debated issue in the country. There is a feeling among both local people and human rights advocacy groups that the government has betrayed ordinary ... -
Land, Property Rules and Disputes in Kabul
(Iran Nameh vol. 29(3-4), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015-01-01) -
Large-scale mining in protected areas made possible through corruption: Options for donors
(U4 Brief 2015:7, Report, 2015-06-18)Large-scale mining of minerals and metals are threatening protected areas, and corruption is often to blame. International donors must engage with governments, mining companies and local stakeholders to encourage transparency ... -
Latin American Civil-Military Relations in a Historical Perspective: A Literature Review
(CMI Working Paper WP 2014:6, Working paper, 2014-07-01)Civil-military relations constitute a crucial element in the transition to substantive democracy all over the world. During periods of authoritarianism or civil war, the military in Latin America has been responsible for ... -
Latin American Civil-Military Relations in a Historical Perspective: A Literature Review
(Conference object, 2014-01-27)Civil-military relationships constitute a crucial element in the transition to substantive democracy all over the world. During periods of authoritarianism or civil war, the military in Latin America has been responsible ... -
Latin American Civil-Military Relationships in a Historical Perspective
(Conference object, 2013-01-01)Civil-military relationships constitute a crucial element in the transition to substantive democracy all over the world. During periods of authoritarianism or civil war, the military in Latin America has historically ... -
Law as an Anti-Value. Justice, Violence and Suffering in the Logic of Becoming
(Anthropology Today vol. Vol 30(3), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014-01-01)Anthropologists are chronologically only the latest to have adopted justice (and injustice) as an object of (critical) inquiry. Even among anthropologists, however, the radical critical cry that law is the instrument par ... -
Law in Afghanistan: A Critique of Post-2001 Reconstruction
(Journal of Critical Globalization Studies vol. 6, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013-01-01)This article provides a critical reflection on the efforts at legal reconstruction initiated in 2001 by the international community and the Afghan government. Its aim is to highlight some of the more controversial factors ... -
Le pouvoir des données : améliorer la transparence dans le secteur éducatif au Sierra Leone
(U4 Brief 2009:16, Report, 2009-08-13)Des chiffres et des faits fiables constituent la meilleure défense contre les malversations. Un Système d’Information sur la Gestion de l’Education fonctionnant avec efficacité peut mettre en lumière de mauvaises pratiques ... -
Le recouvrement d'avoirs volés: un principe fondamental de la Convention des Nations Unies contre la corruption
(U4 Brief 2007:15, Report, 2007-01-01)Alors que l’aide atteint des centaines de milliards de dollars, les Nations Unies ont montré en 2004 qu’en 15 ans, 54 pays s’étaient appauvris. La plupart des analystes admettent désormais ce constat de la Banque mondiale, ... -
Le Rwanda mise sur la croissance
(Others, 2014-05-01)Le Rwanda a réalisé des progrès en termes de développement et entreprend de consolider ses acquis sur le plan économique et social. Cette croissance est-elle profitable à toute la ... -
Le secteur de l’or à Madagascar : au cœur des pratiques illicites. Le cas de Dabolava et Betsiaka
(U4 Report 2022:2, Research report, 2022-11-01)À Madagascar, l’exploitation aurifère pourrait constituer une source de développement majeure pour le gouvernement et la population. Cependant, chaque année, l’État malgache ...