Blar i Chr. Michelsens Institutt på tittel
Viser treff 906-925 av 1981
Islam and gender in Europe: Subjectivities, politics and piety
(Feminist Review no. 98, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017-01-01)'Is Islam reconcilable with feminism?' asks Haideh Moghissi (1999), echoing a concern that is currently dramatized in numerous ways across and beyond Europe. The growing presence and visibility of Muslims in European liberal ... -
Islam in Northern Mozambique: A Historical Overview
(History Compass vol. 8 no. 7, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2010-01-01)This article is a historical overview of two issues: first, that of the dynamics of Islamic religious transformations from pre-Portuguese era up until the 2000s among Muslims of the contemporary Cabo Delgado, Nampula, and ... -
Islam, menneskerettigheter og utviklingsprosesser
(Rapport, Research report, 1991)Denne studien undersøker islams forhold til menneskerettighetene og muligheten for en utvikling av islamsk tenkning til også å omfatte den moderne menneskerettighetstanken. Med utgangspunkt i framveksten av forskjellige ... -
Islamic Feminism, a public lecture
(CMI Sudan Working Paper SWP 2014:1, Working paper, 2014-11-07)The programme Assisting Regional Universities in Sudan and South Sudan (ARUSS) aims to build academic bridges between Sudan and South Sudan. The overall objective is to enhance the quality and relevance of teaching and ... -
Islamic women's organisations on the West Bank
(CMI Brief vol. 10 no. 8, Report, 2011-10-25)Islamic organisations’ role in improving women’s position in society is often dismissed. Instead, they are believed to be devoted to charitable work and entrench patriarchal structures in line with traditional religious ... -
Islamism in the diaspora: Palestinian refugees in Lebanon
(CMI Working paper, Working paper, 2003)In recent years there has been increasing academic interest in Islamism in the Middle East, not least in Palestinian Islamism championed by groups such as Hamas and Islamic Jihad, which are waging a bloody war of attrition ... -
"It's all about money": Urban-rural spaces and relations in Maputo, Mozambique
(Canadian Journal of African Studies, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018-05-01)Within the anthropological urban scholarship on sub-Saharan Africa, there is a shared notion of the continued, and in some cases reemerging, importance of rural spaces, values and relations in cities and towns. In Mozambique's ... -
‘It’s the Economy, Stupid!’ Political Economy Analysis and Political Corruption Studies
(Others, 2019-01-01)Presentation for ANU Ph.D.-students, in connection with the conference: Governance, Security, and Asymmetrical Warfare in Central Asia and the Middle East . -
Jobs for youth in fragile transitions: Ethiopia’s Youth Revolving Fund
(CMI Brief no. 2023:3, Report, 2023-05-01)Ethiopia’s high-level of population growth is contributing to an acute problem of youth unemployment. A lack of jobs and dissatisfaction about future opportunities were partly the reasons for the game-changing youth protests ... -
Joint Land Certification and Intra-household Decision-making: Towards Empowerment of Wives?
(Centre for Land Tenure Studies Working Paper, Research report, 2013-01-01)We have used gender-disaggregated household panel data from 2007 and 2012 in combination with dictator games and hawk-dove games to assess the effects of joint land certification of husbands and wives on wives’ involvement ... -
Joint review of IWGIA's framework agreements with Danida and Norad
(Norad Report Review 10/2009, Research report, 2009-04-01)Sammen med Danida, gjennomførte Norad i 2008 en gjennomgang av IWGIAs organisasjon og virksomhet som grunnlag for vurdering av videre samarbeid med organisasjonen. Om IWGIA IWGIA er en av de viktigste internasjonale ... -
Judicial independence and human rights policies in Argentina and Chile
(CMI Working paper, Working paper, 2001)This paper is about how varying degrees of judicial independence may influence policy making in the field of human rights. I explore factors that may account for why some Latin American courts, years after the return to ... -
Judiciary and Good Governance in Contemporary Tanzania: Problems and Prospects
(Research report, Research report, 1995)The World Bank identified judiciary among institutions which ran down during centralized governance. The Bank also expressed the need for and willingness to take part in rebuilding these institutions so that they could ... -
Just Faaland – en verdensborger i Bergen
(Book, 2017-11-01)Denne boken er en hyllest til Just Faaland som døde i februar 2017. Just Faaland bygget opp det som i dag er Chr. Michelsens Institutt i Bergen. Han var leder for avdelingen for utviklingsforskning ved instituttet fra ... -
Justiz und Recht in Afghanistan bis zur Machtübernahme der Taliban 2021
(Others, 2021-12-01) -
Kalandula and the CACS. Voice or accountability
(CMI Working paper, Working paper, 2009)This report presents some of the findings from field work carried out in October-November 2008 in Kalandula, Malanje province, on the fresh experiences with the new Concelhos de Auscultação e Concertação Social. It also ... -
Kalandula e os CACS. Voz activa ou prestação de contas
(CMI Working Paper, Working paper, 2009)Este relatório pretende apresentar algumas das conclusões do primeiro trabalho de campo no projecto de pesquisa do CMI-CEIC-ADRA sobre os Conselhos de Auscultação e Concertação Social (CACS) em Angola.[1] A pesquisa teve ... -
Kan vi kjøpe mer fra våre samarbeidsland? Hvem vet hva og hvordan?
(Research report, Research report, 2002)This report explores the potential for increasing imports to Norway from its main development partners. The analysis is based on three main indicators: i) a trade intensity index (commodities which the development partners ... -
Kaos truer Angola
(Others, 2017-09-01)