Browsing Chr. Michelsens Institutt by Title
Now showing items 852-871 of 1981
In pursuit of policy influence: Can lobbying be a legitimate alternative to corruption in developing countries?
(U4 Brief 2009:1, Report, 2009-01-20)This Brief reviews recent research on transition countries which suggests, conceptually and empirically, that lobbying is not only more prevalent in non–developed countries than currently thought, but can be more effective ... -
In Pursuit of Poverty Reduction: What have Parliaments got to do with it?
(Research report, Research report, 2006)Launched only 6 years ago, the Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper (PRSP) has become a key reference document to a majority of developing countries. More than 70 developing countries have embarked on a PRSP process. In spite ... -
In search of a Palestinian leadership
(CMI Brief vol. 10 no. 6, Report, 2011-09-06)This brief argues that even a successful reconciliation between Hamas and Fatah will fall short of providing the leadership the Palestinians need. Their domestic legitimacy are simply too frayed. Instead it argues that the ... -
Including civil society perspectives in UNCAC: Lessons from other international treaties
(U4 Issue 2024:10, Research report, 2024-12-01)A review mechanism without meaningful participation reduces credibility and impact. Strengthening the involvement of civil society organisations will help the UN Convention against Corruption (UNCAC) meet its standards in ... -
Inclusive growth in Nepal
(Research report, 2008-06-22)We present the development of poverty rates for different castes and ethnic groups of Nepal, and find a strong relation between social exclusion, as defined by the caste system, and economic poverty. We go on to present ... -
Income and assets declarations: Issues to consider in developing a disclosure regime
(U4 Issue 2009:6, Research report, 2009-07-15)The United Nations Convention against Corruption (UNCAC) requires state parties to consider establishing policies requiring officials to reveal “to appropriate authorities … their outside activities, employment, investments, ... -
Income-generating Programmes in Pakistan and Malawi: A Comparative Review
(CMI Working paper, Working paper, 1996)This paper reviews income-generating programmes in Pakistan and Malawi organised by the Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC). It compares the different strategies chosen by the NRC regarding project design and the creation of ... -
Increasing trust in the bank to enhance savings: Experimental evidence from India
(CMI Working Paper WP 2016:01, Working paper, 2016-01-01)Recent evidence highlights the importance of trust in explaining bank account savings. According to economic theory, repeated interactions can play a crucial role in shaping trust. We designed the first field experiment ... -
Indigenous women's access to justice in Latin America
(CMI Working paper, Working paper, 2010)This paper gives an overview of the challenges which indigenous women in Latin America face in accessing both formal state justice and indigenous legal systems, including a focus on normative frameworks, legal awareness, ... -
Individual Choice under Uncertainty
(CMI Working paper, Working paper, 1993)The first part of this paper gives an overview of the dominating approach within economic theory on individual decision making under uncertainty or risk - the expected utility (EU) theory. The theory has increasingly been ... -
Industrial Clusters Promotion as a tool for private sector development: The UNIDO experience in Ethiopia
(CMI Brief vol. 12 no. 5, Report, 2013-11-29)Policies aimed at boosting the interaction and cooperation of economic actors in industrial clusters might represent a crucial strategy for industrial upgrading and development in poor countries. This policy brief discusses ... -
Informal Cross-Border Trade in Eastern Sudan A Case Study from Kassala and Gedarif States
(Sudan Working Paper SWP 2015:6, Working paper, 2015-01-01)Informal trade in pre-colonial Africa, sometimes in the form of barter, was one of the mechanisms of social interaction between various ethnic groups and jurisdictions. It was an alternative to the state of hostility and ... -
Informal pay and the quality of health care: lessons from Tanzania
(U4 Brief 2007:9, Report, 2007-10-01)Informal payments for health services are common in many transitional and developing countries. Informal payments are often claimed to reduce access to health services, especially among the poorest. Impacts on the quality ... -
Informal relations in public procurement
(Digest of papers from the X International Scientific Conference on the problems of the development of the economy and society, Chapter, 2010-12-14) -
Information Technology and Fiscal Capacity in a Developing Country: Evidence from Ethiopia
(ICTD Working Paper 31, Research report, 2015-02-01)Governments in developing countries are typically constrained by a limited fiscal capacity to finance the provision of essential public goods – a constraint that has been cited as one of the fundamental challenges to ... -
Infrastructure policy and governance failures
(CMI Working Paper WP 2012:5, Working paper, 2012-09-19)Interventions to fix market failures in infrastructure have often resulted in some form of governance failure and this contributes importantly to explain shortcomings in the supply of infrastructure services in developing ... -
Ingen trygg havn for palestinske flyktninger fra Syria
(Others, 2015-01-01)Ingen trygg havn for palestinske flyktninger Kjersti Berg En Palestinsk flyktning fra Syria kan ikke pa° lovlig vis søke trygghet over grensen i nabolandene. Hun møter stengte dører hvor hun vender seg. ... -
Inner Frontiers: Santal Responses to Acculturation
(Report, Research report, 1991)The Santals who constitute one of the largest communities in India belong to the Austro- Asiatic linguistic group. They have managed to keep their language and their traditional system of values as well. Nevertheless, their ... -
Institutional Approaches to the Study of International Organisation
(CMI Working paper, Working paper, 1996)This paper gives an overview of changes and shifts in the study of international organisation and notes that research has gradually moved away from the study of de facto organisations to studies of international cooperation ... -
Institutional arrangements for corruption prevention: Considerations for the implementation of the United Nations convention against corruption article 6
(U4 Issue 2009:4, Research report, 2009-04-22)What kind of institutions does a state need to have in place to effectively prevent corruption? What does it mean, when article 6 of the UN Convention against Corruption (UNCAC) requires states to ensure the existence of ...