Blar i Chr. Michelsens Institutt på tittel
Viser treff 812-831 av 1983
Humanitarian Assistance and Conflict: A-State-of-the-Art Report
(Research report, Research report, 1998)The rapid growth of international aid allocated to "complex humanitarian emergencies" has led to parallel calls for preventive action. It is also asked how humanitarian assistance and other forms of international civilian ... -
Humanitarian assistance during conflict in a state-less society: The case of Somalia
(CMI Working paper, Working paper, 1999)This working paper was prepared for the workshop on "Aid and Humanitarian Assistance in Africa" in Arusha, 27-29 June, 1998, with financial support from the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. It is based on a series ... -
Humanitarian borders: The merging of rescue with security and control
(CMI Brief no. 2018:11, Report, 2018-01-01) -
Humanitarian Challenges in Afghanistan: Administrative Structures and Gender and Assistance
(Research report, Research report, 2001)The humanitarian situation in Afghanistan has rapidly deteriorated over the last months, as the conflict between the Taliban and the international community has intensified. UN sanctions and isolation has strengthened the ... -
Humanitarian Diplomacy - A Bibliography
(Others, 2021-05-01)A list of key references in the field of humanitarian diplomacy. -
Humanitarian diplomacy as Turkey’s national role conception and performance: evidence from Somalia and Afghanistan
(SOUTHEAST EUROPEAN AND BLACK SEA STUDIES, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022-10-01)In recent years Turkey has made Humanitarian Diplomacy (HD) an essential element of its foreign policy. This article analyzes Turkey’s HD as a role conception and role performance by focusing on two cases, Somalia ... -
Humanitarian Diplomacy: A New Research Agenda
(CMI Brief no. 2018:4, Report, 2018-06-01)Improving access to humanitarian aid in conflict and complex emergencies has always been a major concern for policy makers and humanitarian actors. Historically, humanitarianism has been conducted in situations of extreme ... -
Humanitarian Diplomacy: Interview with Jan Egeland
(Others, 2020-11-01)Humanitarian diplomacy surrounds the field of humanitarian action and aims to meet humanitarian objectives by diplomatic means. The term itself is most often used by humanitarian practitioners, and as a practitioner-driven ... -
Humanitarian Diplomatic Practices
(The Hague Journal of Diplomacy vol. 15 no. 4, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020-11-01)Humanitarian diplomacy is a new term, yet an old practice, and has received relatively little academic attention. This contrasts with the reality of humanitarian practitioners’ work, which has shown increasing ... -
Humanitarian Migration
(Chapter, 2022-06-01)Humanitarian migration relates to the movement of people who feel somehow forced to move. Yet, distinguishing which migration forms fall under the label of humanitarian migration is not straightforward. Migration research ... -
Humanitarian Militarism and the Production of Humanity
(Social Anthropology vol. 27 no. 1, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019-02-01)The limits and consequences of humanitarian military operations continue to be major issues in Western public debates on global security, democracy and human rights. This article focuses on the intersection of war and ... -
Humanitarian negotiations, diplomacy and the ethics of border control
(Others, 2022-09-01) -
Humanitarianism: An Overview
(CMI Insight 2021:3, Report, 2021-06-01)This overview briefly discusses four crucial domains of contemporary humanitarianism, namely humanitarian diplomacy, education in emergencies, the concept of civil society in humanitarianism, and humanitarian borders. -
Humanitarianism: Keywords
(Book, 2020-09-01)Humanitarianism: Keywords is a comprehensive dictionary designed as a compass for navigating the conceptual universe of humanitarianism. It is an intuitive toolkit to map contemporary humanitarianism and to explore its ... -
Hunting for Per Diem: The Uses and Abuses of Travel Compensation in Three Developing Countries
(Research report, 2012-04-01)Cash is a great incentive. The last decade has seen a boom in various forms of cash incentive programmes, from the conditional cash transfer programmes that emerged in Latin America in the late 90’s, providing cash to ... -
Hva får vi igjen? En statistisk analyse av norske leveranser til det multilaterale bistandsmarkedet
(Research report, Research report, 1993)Omfanget av Norges salg til det bistandsfinansierte markedet blir til tider diskutert, blant annet på grunnlag av landets store bistandsbevilgninger. Denne studien tar sikte på å presentere og analysere tilgjengelig data ... -
Hva virker i utviklingspolitikken? En gjennomgang av forskningslitteraturen
(CMI Report R 2016:7, Research report, 2016-12-01)Main points in English: What works in aid -
Hvordan gjøre gode ting bedre? Norske bedrifters CSR aktiviteter i utviklingsland
(Research report, Research report, 2008)Norske bedrifter opererer i en rekke utviklingsland, hvor problemer med fattigdom, dårlig styresett og brudd på menneskerettigheter ofte er store. Når man går inn i denne typen land, stilles man overfor store utfordringer ... -
Hvorfor har militæret fortsatt makten i Burma?
(CMI Working paper, Working paper, 1993)This paper seeks to explain why the military has remained in power in Burma after the country-wide uprising for democracy in 1988. It is argued that a theoretical approach has to include a focus on the particular actors ... -
Høgt spel i Austkinahavet
(Others, 2012-10-10)The article tries to explain the background for the powerful heightening of tensions between Japan and China in the wake of the diplomatic crisis over the contested Senkaku/Diaoyu islands.