Browsing Chr. Michelsens Institutt by Document Types "Others"
Now showing items 41-60 of 134
EFFEXT Background Paper – National and international migration policy in Lebanon
(Others, 2022-12-01)This EFFEXT Background Paper provides a brief presentation of migration and migration policy dynamics between the European Union (EU) and Lebanon. It presents an overview of key Lebanese national and international ... -
EFFEXT Background Papers – National and international migration policy in Ghana
(Others, 2023-03-01)About the EFFEXT Background Papers The Effects of Externalisation: EU Migration Management in Africa and the Middle East (EFFEXT) project examines the effects of the EU’s external migration management policies ... -
EFFEXT Background Papers – National and international migration policy in Jordan
(Others, 2023-07-01) -
Eksperter kritiske til UDs trossatsing
(Others, 2019-01-01) -
Electronic Fiscal Devises (EFDs): Lessons from the Region and Mainland Tanzania
(Others, 2019-04-01) -
Empower the guardians of the earth, do not rob them.
(Others, 2024-04-01)This article originally appeared in The Hindu (April 22, 2024) and has been republished with permission from the editors. -
En av historiens verste flytningekatastrofer
(Others, 2013-01-01)Seks millioner mennesker fra Syria – mer enn en fjerdedel av landets befolkning – er på flukt. Midtøstens historie er full av flyktningekatastrofer. Nå er regionen midt i en av sine verste, Til sammen bor 20 millioner ... -
Equinors skattemilliarder til Afrika kommer ikke vanlige folk tilgode, mener skatteekspert Odd-Helge Fjeldstad
(Others, 2023-09-01)– Equinor betalte over 32 milliarder kroner i skatt til Algerie, Angola, Libya og Nigeria i 2022. De enorme inntektene fra oljesektoren har imidlertid i liten grad kommet befolkningen til gode, sier Odd-Helge Fjeldstad, ... -
Er diamantene renvasket?
(Others, 2007-01-01)Til tross for Kimberley-prosessen kan diamanter fortsatt bidra til både borgerkriger og barnearbeid. -
Er Kabul trygt for retur?
(Others, 2017-11-01)Noreg har så langt i år returnert over 500 afghanarar til Kabul. Samtidig er tryggleiken forverra i heile landet, og spesielt Kabul har store sivile tap. Stortinget er delt i oppfatninga om ein skal stanse eller halde fram ... -
Expectations and Fears. The impact of the 1992 Elections
(Others, 2008-01-01)Conferência sobre as Eleições em Angola. Centro de Estudos e Investigação Científica (CEIC), Universidade Católica de Angola. Terça-Feira, 4 de Novembro de 2008 -
Fighting Corruption to Overcome the Resource Curse
(Others, 2015-08-01)Presentation at a one-day conference for 17 members of Nigeria's Supreme Court, visiting Norway by invitation of the Africa Center for Information and Development ( ACID ). -
Forms of Humanitarian Diplomacy
(Others, 2022-04-01)Humanitarian emergencies continue to proliferate globally. Mostly driven by conflicts – but also natural hazards, climate change, famine, and epidemics – these emergencies exacerbate existing social vulnerabilities ... -
Frå vondt til verre? Afghanistan 10 år etter
(Others, 2011-09-22) -
Fun in War
(Others, 2023-11-01) -
Ghana fant olje - kan det gå bra?
(Others, 2012-11-28)(Op-ed.) Ghana found oil in 2011 - in modest quantities. With its good management and good governance, there is reason to believe Ghana will avoid falling into the "resource curse" trap. -
Governance, resource curse and donor
(Others, 2008-10-07)Plan Part 1. Governance What is good governance? Why is it important? How can we measure good governance? Part 2. The resource curse and the importance of governance in resource rich countries Focus on political ... -
Governing (river) sand. Global questions, local approaches, and lessons for Nepal.
(Others, 2023-05-01) -
Hamas kan ikke anerkjenne Israel
(Others, 2009-01-01) -
How (not) to improve health worker performance
(Others, 2011-01-01)