Browsing Chr. Michelsens Institutt by Title
Now showing items 1841-1860 of 1983
Understanding and addressing poverty and food insecurity in Afghanistan
(CMI Insight 2023:1, Report, 2023-04-01)An estimated 28 million Afghans, more than two thirds of the country’s total population, struggle to put food on the table. A wide array of socio-economic and environmental changes has led to this crisis. This CMI ... -
Understanding Inequality Within Households
(Handbook of Labor, Human Resources and Population Economics, Chapter, 2022-12-01)To describe and understand the economic inequality in a given society, it is necessary to understand intra-household inequality. This chapter gives an overview of within-household distributions in different settings, both ... -
Understanding success and failure of anti-corruption initiatives
(U4 Brief 2011:2, Report, 2011-04-01)Most anti-corruption initiatives fail. This Brief sets out to understand why that is, and what might be done about it. Anti-corruption initiatives fail because of over-large “design-reality gaps”; that is, too great a ... -
Understanding the Lay of the Land: An Institutional Analysis of Petro-Governance in Tanzania
(CMI Working Paper WP 2016:12, Working paper, 2016-12-01)Tanzania has recently discovered large petroleum reserves, boosting its reserve natural resource stocks and potential future revenue flows. What is the likelihood that the country’s petroleum resources will translate into ... -
Understanding the Private Side of Corruption: New Kinds of Transparency, New Roles for Donors
(U4 Brief 2007:6, Report, 2007-10-09)Do we know enough about corruption in the private sector? This Brief discusses gaps in our knowledge and how donors can help tackle the problem. The goal is to improve both the dialogue and outcomes of anti-corruption ... -
Understanding the resource curse: A large-scale experiment on corruption in Tanzania
(CMI Working Paper WP 2018:5, Working paper, 2018-01-01)Corruption appears to be an important driver of the resource curse in developing countries. We report from a large-scale field experiment in Tanzania that provides causal evidence on how expectations about future natural ... -
Understanding the resource curse: A large-scale experiment on corruption in Tanzania
(Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization vol. 183, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021-03-01)Corruption is considered an important driver of the resource curse in developing countries. Based on a large-scale field experiment in Tanzania, this paper studies how the salience of future natural resource revenues shapes ... -
Une éducation sans corruption : Les leçons tirées d'une initiative conjointe entre l'Etat et la société civile au Pérou
(U4 Brief 2009:13, Report, 2009-08-13)Une initiative anti‑corruption récente ciblant le secteur éducatif du Pérou a été lancée conjointement par le Bureau du Médiateur et le Chapitre péruvien de Transparency International, Proética. Cette initiative cherchait ... -
Unfulfilled hopes. The quest for a minimum marriage age in Yemen, 2009–2014
(CMI Report R 2016:3, Research report, 2016-05-01)The project Women’s Human Rights and Law Reform in the Muslim World seeks to map family and criminal law reforms in the period 1995-2015 in Afghanistan, Egypt, Iran, Lebanon, Morocco, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Tunisia ... -
Ungrateful children: migration intensity and remittances in Nepal
(CMI Working Paper WP 2014:8, Working paper, 2014-07-01)Poverty has declined dramatically in Nepal since the end of the conflict. The sharp increase in revenues primarily comes from remittances. From a household’s perspective, choosing the appropriate number of migrants is ... -
Universitet og forskning i Sør-Afrika. Utfordringar etter apartheid og akademisk boikott
(Arbeidsnotat, Working paper, 1992)Dette notatet gir ein gjennomgang av universitets- og forskingssektoren i Sør-Afrika. Hovudutfordringane for universiteta i eit nytt og demokratisk Sør-Afrika blir identifisert, og forskingas rolle og organisering av denne ... -
"Unleash the hounds!": Wenn Memes und andere Witzfiguren gegen Trolle in den digitalen Informationskrieg ziehen
(Bilder des Krieges. Darstellung und Kommunikation des Krieges im digitalen Zeitalter, Chapter, 2023-11-01)The contribution explores the question how humour can be used as a weapon in the social media battlefield of the Russo-Ukrainian conflict. -
‘Unleash the hounds!’: NAFO’s memetic war narrative on the Russo-Ukrainian conflict
(Critical Studies on Security, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024-09-01)Since the Web 2.0 revolution, war and war communication are no longer under the control of states. Rather, the new media ecology entails the possibility that internet users get involved in the info politics of any armed ... -
Uno sguardo al ruolo delle donne giudici nella magistratura afghana tra passato e presente
(Nuovi Autoritarismi e Democrazie: Diritto, Istituzioni, Società (NAD-DIS) vol. 4 no. 1, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022-07-01)The paper discusses some aspects related to the current state of the judicial system in Afghanistan in light of the chaotic evacuations that occurred in the summer of 2021 and the consequent loss of competencies due to ... -
Unpacking the concept of political will to confront corruption
(U4 Brief 2010:1, Report, 2010-05-14)Quite often, "lack of political will" is identified as the culprit for poorly performing anti-corruption programmes. Yet despite the frequency with which it is used to explain unsatisfactory reform outcomes, political will ... -
Unpleasant homecoming: The predicament of returning pastoralists from South Sudan to Aljabalain Area, White Nile State
(Sudan Working Paper SWP 2018:1, Working paper, 2018-04-01)In many countries around the world (especially in Africa), the livelihood of pastoralists depends largely on trekking over vast areas of land in constant search of water and pasture for their animals. This nomadic life ... -
Unready for REDD+? Lessons from corruption in Ugandan conservation areas
(U4 Brief 2012:3, Report, 2012-06-05)This U4 Brief extracts lessons from recent Ugandan experiences with conservation areas and corruption. A case involving the World Bank/Global Environment Facility (GEF), the Ugandan Ministry of Trade, Tourism, and Industry ... -
UNRWA, funding crisis and the way forward
(CMI Report R 2022:04, Research report, 2022-09-01)Summary This commissioned report has two main aims: First, providing a description of what UNRWA is, including its history, mandate and services, with particular emphasis on the recent funding deficit and how that has ... -
Updating the Input Output based Macmod functions
(CMI Working paper, Working paper, 2002)The present paper reports on a statistical effort undertaken for the Macmod project. It reports on the revision and updating of the Tanzanian Input-Output table for 1992. These IO activities are undertaken in order to ... -
Urban Dimensions of Donors' Poverty-Reduction Strategies
(CMI Working paper, Working paper, 2002)This paper examines the extent to which the poverty-reduction strategies of selected multilateral and bilateral donors incorporate an urban poverty dimension. Key policy documents of multilaterals such as the World Bank, ...