Browsing Chr. Michelsens Institutt by Title
Now showing items 179-198 of 1975
Beyond Islamist Extremism: Women and the Algerian Uprisings of 2019
(CMI Brief no. 2019:09, Report, 2019-10-01)February 22, 2019, marked a watershed moment in Algeria’s history, and a key moment in the struggle for women’s rights. For the first time since its independence 57 years ago, massive protests swept the country and were ... -
Beyond numbers? Women's 25% parliamentary quota in post-conflict Sudan
(Peace, Conflict and Development vol. 17, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2011-08-01)This article explores the validity of critical mass theory in the context of a 25% women’s quota in the national parliament in post-conflict Sudan. It is being argued here that the implementation of a women’s ... -
Beyond the code of conduct: Building ethical competence in public officials
(U4 Brief 2009:19, Report, 2009-09-08)Can Codes of Conduct set realistic ethical standards for officials? Can training in ethics and professional standards make any practical difference in the way public officials behave? Can the notions of ‘ethical competence’ ... -
Beyond the Permitted Indian? Bolivia and Guatemala in an Age of Neoliberal Developmentalism
(Latin American and Caribbean Ethnic Studies vol. 3 no. 1, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2008-01-01)This paper outlines and discusses the contrasting histories of inclusion and contestation associated with the introduction of neoliberal and multicultural policies in Bolivia and Guatemala. In drawing out and discussing ... -
Beyond the surge: Policy options for Afghanistan
(Research report, Research report, 2009)The surge in the US presence in Afghanistan, announced by President Barack Obama soon after taking office, is unfolding rapidly. What does this ‘surge’ signify? Is it a commitment to achieve what Obama calls ‘the achievable ... -
Bistand eller kjøp av tjenester. Hvordan finansiere bidrag til globale fellesgoder?
(CMI Working Paper WP 2024:1, Working paper, 2024-06-01)Dette notatet presenterer et nytt rammeverk for hvordan man kan tenke systematisk på ansvaret for finansieringen av internasjonale bidrag til globale fellesgoder. Det peker også på konkrete tiltak som vil ... -
Bistand og næringsutvikling. Noen kommentarer til St. meld. nr. 19 (1995-96)
(CMI Working paper, Working paper, 1996)St. meld. nr. 19 (1995-96) tar til orde for en sterkere binding av bistandsmidlene til norske eksportleveranser og norske investeringer i u-land. Meldingen tar videre til orde for at bistandssamarbeidet skal utvides til ... -
Bistand til et land, et parti og en elite
(Others, 2007-01-01)Den norske ambassadøren i Mosambik skrev nylig under en avtale om et partnerskap med den mosambianske staten for å bidra til utvikling og fattigdomsreduksjon. Mosambik er fortsatt blant land med mest fattigdom, på tross ... -
(Others, 2012-01-01)Inge Tvedten, Seniorforsker, CMI Høyres utspill . Høyre har lagt fram et forslag til ny bistandspolitikk med fokus på reduksjon, konsentrasjon og endring av virkemidler, til sterke protester fra den rød-grønne regjerningen ... -
Bistandsforsking til nytte
(Others, 2011-01-01) -
Blir det forsoning no?
(Others, 2023-05-01)FORNORSKINGSPOLITIKK: Korleis skal forsoning med samar, kvenar, norskfinnar og skogfinnar kunne lukkast når eit forsvinnande lite antal nordmenn føler at forsoning angår dei? -
Blood Elections: Presidential election in Syria within the Red Regime Lines
(CMI Insight 2014:4, Report, 2014-06-01)The oppositional groups called the June 3 presidential election “blood elections” because of the huge numbers of lives lost during the three years of war. When pro-regime voters marked their ballots with blood instead of ... -
Boikott til hvilken pris? Barns situasjon i Irak og Burundi. Rapport for Redd Barna
(Research report, Research report, 1998)This report, commissioned by Save the Children, Norway, discusses the impact of international sanctions on children's situation in Iraq and Burundi. The report recognises that sanctions raise the ethical question of whether ... -
Bons et mauvais usages des programmes sociaux : le cas des transferts monétaires conditionnels
(U4 Brief 2011:16, Report, 2011-12-07)Les programmes de transferts monétaires conditionnels sont présentés dans le secteur social comme la meilleure méthode de lutte contre la pauvreté. L’autonomie et le pouvoir discrétionnaire les rendent toutefois vulnérables ... -
Book Review: Tine Gade, Sunni City: Tripoli from Islamist Utopia to the Lebanese 'Revolution'
(Others, 2024-05-01)Why did so many episodes of Lebanon’s contentious politics in the last century occur in Tripoli? In her work, Sunni City , Tine Gade traces the hundred-year trajectory (1920-2020) of the ‘Sunni ... -
Border management in flux: Comparative lessons from the Norway-Russia and Finland-Russia borders (2015–2023)
(INFLUX Policy Brief 1(4)-2024, Research report, 2024-10-01)This policy brief provides a comparative analysis of border management practices at the Norway-Russia and FinlandRussia borders, focusing on how these have evolved in response to key events between 2015 and 2023. Drawing ... -
Borderland dynamics in the Horn of Africa – Some reflections
(Sudan Working Paper SWP 2015:1, Working paper, 2015-03-01)This paper is a broad ranging reflection of the general situation of crisis in the Horn of Africa region. Rather than carry out a conventional anthropological analysis in which local people and communities emerge as “heroes” ... -
Boredom and Crisis in the Humanitarian Realm
(Anthropology Today vol. 30(6), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014-01-01)‘Humanitarian boredom’ produces its own perspective on the world, providing a ‘point of entry’ to the observation of humanitarianism in practice. In this paper, while problematizing both a general ... -
Botswana - 30 years of economic growth, democracy and aid: Is there a connection?
(Research report, Research report, 1996)This report has been commissioned by the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs as an input to a proposed study on the impact of aid on Botswana. The report is based on a review of literature focusing on the development of ... -
Breaking the silence on domestic violence
(Report, 2024-06-01)Despite towering evidence of domestic violence in Sudan, many are reluctant to admit that it even exists. This brief argues that this denial could be linked to a lack of understanding of domestic violence.