Browsing Chr. Michelsens Institutt by Title
Now showing items 159-178 of 1981
Avenues for Youth Representation in Uganda
(CMI Working Paper WP 2023:01, Working paper, 2023-02-01)Youth representation has emerged as an important political issue worldwide. In sub-Saharan Africa, Uganda can be considered as a pioneer in catering for the presence of youth in political decision-making bodies. Yet, while ... -
Bands crossing borders: A review of the cooperation between South Africa's Field Band Foundation and Norges Musikkorps Forbund
(CMI Report R 2013:3, Research report, 2013-11-08)The Bands Crossing Borders project between South Africa’s Field Band Foundation and the Norwegian Band Federation was initiated in 1999 and funded by Fredskorpset. In Norway the project seeks to offer a new perspective on ... -
Bangladesh: Severe Poverty and a Well Functioning Economy?
(Research report, Research report, 2000)This is the first report on Bangladesh under the Country Advisor Agreement between the Norwegian Agency for Development Co-operation (NORAD), the Chr. Michelsen Institute (CMI) and the Nordic Consulting Group (NCG). The ... -
Barns rettigheter i Norge - en måling
(CMI Report R 2019:1, Research report, 2019-03-01)I denne rapporten stilles det spørsmål om hvordan vi kan måle implementering av barns rettigheter i Norge. Globale indekser erklærer ofte at Norge er verdens beste land å være barn i, og det er ikke kontroversielt å påstå ... -
Basis for Decisions to use Results-Based Payments in Norwegian Development Aid
(Evaluation Department Report 5, Research report, 2015-06-01)The aim of this report is to describe how the decisions to use results-based payments in Norwegian development cooperation were made and the considerations that formed the basis for these decisions. The report describes ... -
Beaten by Bribery: Why not Blow the Whistle?
(CMI Working paper, Working paper, 2006)A recent business survey in Norway reveals that firms rarely react to corruption, even when they have lost important contracts as a result. This disinclination to take action is explored in the light of market structures, ... -
Becoming One of Us?
(Research report, 2015-01-01)Citizenship and naturalization legislation in France, Norway, and the UK has changed substantially more during the 2000s than in previous decades. In which areas of citizenship policy have changes occurred? And how do these ... -
BENEDICTE BULL: Latin-Amerika i dag. Nye interesser og gamle bånd til USA, Kina, Russland, Midtøsten og Europa
(Others, 2022-04-01)Kampen om naturressursar: Benedicte Bull byr ikkje berre på grundige analysar av stormaktspolitikk og samfunnsforhold i Latin-Amerika, ho byr òg på seg sjølv. -
Beneficial openness? Weighing the costs and benefits of financial transparency
(CMI Working Paper WP 2017:3, Working paper, 2017-03-01)Public financial transparency is increasingly advocated as a solution to concerns over legal tax planning by multinational corporations, and illegal tax evasion, fraud and money laundering. Caution is warranted since ... -
Benefit Streams from Mining in Tanzania: Case Studies from Geita and Mererani
(Research report, Research report, 2006)Tanzania is a ‘new’ mining country, and foreign investment in the mining sector has caused controversies. Government revenues from mining increased from 2 million US$ in 1998 to 36 million in 2002, but many stake holders ... -
Benefits and drawbacks of per diems: Do allowances distort good governance in the health sector?
(U4 Brief 2009:29, Report, 2009-11-25)Per diems, or daily allowances, are an important mechanism for reimbursing work‑related expenses, encouraging participation in professional development activities, and motivating under‑paid employees. Yet, sometimes employees ... -
Bergen Seminar on Development 1999. Making South-North organisational cooperation an effective instrument for institution building
(Research report, Research report, 1999)The Bergen Seminar on Development 1999 focused on aid funded institutional partnerships and twinning, and the extent that these are effective mechanisms for promoting organisational change and institution building. ... -
Bespoke monitoring and evaluation of anti-corruption agencies
(U4 Brief 2017:4, Report, 2017-05-01)Anti-corruption agencies (ACAs) are often considered a last resort against corruption and are expected to solve a problem that other institutions have failed to address effectively or may even be part of. When national ... -
Best Practice in Capacity Building in Public Finance Management in Africa. Experiences of NORAD and Sida
(Research report, Research report, 2002)This study was contracted by Sida and NORAD for the purpose of summarising experiences in capacity building for Public Finance Management (PFM) in Africa. In particular, the two organisations’ attempts to take a more ... -
Betingelsar for sikkeheit og fred i Afghanistan
(Others, 2015-02-10) -
Between Law and Customs: Normative Interconnections in Kabul’s Tribunals
(Diogenes vol. Vol. 60(3-4), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015-01-01)The Afghan normative scenario is composed of customary practices, shari’a principles, laws promulgated by the state and international law. Studies on this arsenal tend to give special attention to the coexistence ... -
Between mutual suspicion and fear. Civil-military relations in Mexico
(CMI Working Paper WP 2015:11, Working paper, 2015-09-01)This CMI Working Paper focuses on the relationship between the military, civilian governments and civilian populations in Mexico. It highlights key dynamics since the Mexican revolution (1910-1917) and up until the Ayotzinapa ... -
Between Oslo and al-Aqsa. Taxation and state formation in Palestine 1994-2000
(Research report, Research report, 2002)The state formation process in Palestine during the period 1994-2000, in contrast to the European experience, was not related to inter-state war but to insurgency against and negotiation with Israeli occupation. This ... -
Between two societies: Review of the information, return and reintegration of Iraqi nationals to Iraq (IRRINI) programme
(CMI Report R 2011:4, Research report, 2011-09-01)The Information, Return, and Reintegration of Iraqi Nationals to Iraq (IRRINI) programme was established in 2008 by the Norwegian Directorate of Immigration (UDI) to facilitate the voluntary return and reintegration of ... -
Beyond conflictual peacebuilding 1.11.14
(Others, 2014-01-01)The term "conflictual peacebuilding" was used to describe the situation in Afghanistan by the early 2000, now in 2014 is the term revisied and discussed against the actual situation and lacking progress on securing a peace ...