Browsing CMI Open Research Archive by Author "Trivunovic, Marijana"
Now showing items 1-9 of 9
Commitment, control and interest: A case study in operationalising ownership
Trivunovic, Marijana (U4 Practice Insight 2009:2, Report, 2009-09-02)How can donors promote national ownership in the projects and programmes they fund? How do national counterparts regard ownership? How to translate principles articulated in international documents, such as the Paris ... -
Corruption in Montenegro 2007: Overview over Main Problems and Status of Reforms
Trivunovic, Marijana; Devine, Vera; Mathisen, Harald (Research report, Research report, 2007-09-12)This report was commissioned by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) to provide an analysis of corruption and the progress of anti-corruption activities in Montenegro, with the objective of ... -
Corruption in Serbia 2007. Overview of Problems and Status of Reforms
Trivunovic, Marijana; Devine, Vera; Mathisen, Harald (Research report, Research report, 2007)Corruption is one of the most important problems facing Serbia. While there are some indications that corruption may have become less rampant in recent years, available evidence suggests that corruption levels are still ... -
Countering NGO corruption: Rethinking the conventional approaches
Trivunovic, Marijana (U4 Issue 2011:3, Research report, 2011-03-03)Donor agencies are increasingly vigilant for signs of corruption or other abuses in the projects and programmes they fund, no matter what aid modality is in question or who the implementer or recipient of the funds may be. ... -
Developing an NGO corruption risk management system: Considerations for donors
Trivunovic, Marijana; Johnsøn, Jesper; Mathisen, Harald (U4 Issue 2011:9, Research report, 2011-09-26)Non-governmental organisations (NGOs) are often on the front line of aid delivery, managing a significant proportion of aid funds. The risk of corruption in NGO operations is therefore a significant concern. Yet so far, ... -
El papel de la sociedad civil en el proceso de examen de la UNCAC: ¿avanzar más allá del cumplimiento?
Trivunovic, Marijana; Taxell, Nils; Johnsøn, Jesper; Biason, Rita de Cássia (U4 Issue 2013:10, Research report, 2013-12-01)El papel crucial que la sociedad civil desempeña en la lucha contra la corrupción es ampliamente reconocido. La Convención de las Naciones Unidas contra la Corrupción (UNCAC) reafirma esta convicción en su preámbulo y en ... -
Elaborer un système de gestion des risques de corruption pour ONG : Réflexions à l'usage des donateurs
Trivunovic, Marijana; Johnsøn, Jesper; Mathisen, Harald (U4 Issue 2012:5, Research report, 2012-09-01)Les organisations non-gouvernementales (ONG), souvent en première ligne des activités d’aide au développement, sont amenées à gérer une part importante des fonds affectés à leurs interventions. On peut donc craindre des ... -
From Paris to the anti-corruption project: Examining the feasibility of ownership
Devine, Vera; Trivunovic, Marijana; Mathisen, Harald (U4 Practice Insight 2010:1, Report, 2010-01-04)This Practice Insight summarises lessons learned from four case studies conducted to examine what bearing the notion of ownership has on anti-corruption interventions involving the private sector. By demonstrating how ... -
The role of civil society in the UNCAC review process: Moving beyond compliance?
Trivunovic, Marijana; Taxell, Nils; Johnsøn, Jesper; Biason, Rita de Cássia (U4 Issue 2013:4, Research report, 2013-05-01)Civil society plays a crucial role in the fight against corruption. The inclusion of civil society in the United Nations Convention against Corruption Implementation Review Mechanism (IRM), however, is only optional. This ...