Browsing CMI Open Research Archive by Author "Schütte, Sofie Arjon"
Now showing items 1-18 of 18
Bespoke monitoring and evaluation of anti-corruption agencies
Schütte, Sofie Arjon (U4 Brief 2017:4, Report, 2017-05-01)Anti-corruption agencies (ACAs) are often considered a last resort against corruption and are expected to solve a problem that other institutions have failed to address effectively or may even be part of. When national ... -
Corruption risks in the criminal justice chain and tools for assessment
Schütte, Sofie Arjon; Jennett, Victoria; Messick, Richard E.; Albanese, Jay S.; Gramckow, Heike; Hill, Gary (U4 Issue 2015:6, Research report, 2015-05-06)This U4 issue paper provides policymakers in developing nations, their citizens, and U4’s partners in the donor community with an overview of where corruption is most likely to arise in the investigation, prosecution, ... -
Evolving anti-corruption practice in rebuilding Ukraine: The Agency for Restoration and Infrastructure Development
Gregirchak, Iaroslav; Schütte, Sofie Arjon (U4 Brief 2024:1, Report, 2024-02-01)Under the pressure and constraints of an ongoing war and eager to work towards EU accession, the Ukrainian government has undertaken rapid efforts in 2023 to mainstream anti-corruption efforts into its reconstruction framework. -
Investigating the ethics of investments. An interview with Kjell Kristian Dørum on the work of the Norwegian Council on Ethics
Dørum, Kjell Kristian; Schütte, Sofie Arjon (Report, 2022-05-01)Norway’s global pension fund invests in 1.3% of all listed companies in the world. Its chief advisor responsible for the fund's ethical guidelines talks about dialogues with companies accused of corruption and possible ... -
Les pratiques évolutives de lutte contre la corruption dans l’Ukraine en reconstruction : l’Agence pour la reconstruction et le développement des infrastructures
Gregirchak, Iaroslav; Schütte, Sofie Arjon (U4 Brief 2024:3, Report, 2024-02-01)Ce qui se passe en Ukraine à l’heure actuelle pour garantir que la reconstruction ne soit pas captée par des intérêts corrompus est très innovant et dynamique. Sous la pression et les contraintes d’une guerre en cours et ... -
Mapping anti-corruption tools in the judicial sector
Schütte, Sofie Arjon; Jennett, Victoria; Jahn, Philipp (U4 Issue 2016:3, Research report, 2016-02-01)This U4 study investigates whether and how the judicial sector could benefit from anti-corruption measures that have proved useful in other sectors in improving the quality of the services they provide to users. Based on ... -
Risques de corruption dans le système de justice pénale et outils d’évaluation
Schütte, Sofie Arjon; Jennett, Victoria; Messick, Richard E.; Albanese, Jay S.; Gramckow, Heike; Hill, Gary (U4 Issue 2015:13, Research report, 2015-06-04)Ce document d’analyse U4 est destiné aux responsables politiques des pays en développement et à leurs citoyens, ainsi qu’aux partenaires U4 de la communauté des donateurs, et leur fournit un aperçu des éléments les plus ... -
Specialised anti-corruption courts – A comparative mapping. 2022 update
Stephenson, Matthew C.; Schütte, Sofie Arjon (U4 Issue 2022:14, Research report, 2022-11-01)While there are no definitive best practices for specialised anti-corruption courts, existing models and experience provide some guidance to reformers considering the creation of similar institutions. -
Specialised anti-corruption courts: A comparative mapping
Schütte, Sofie Arjon; Stephenson, Matthew C. (U4 Issue 2016:7, Research report, 2016-12-01)Frustration with the capacity of the ordinary machinery of justice to deal adequately with corruption has prompted many countries to develop specialised anti-corruption institutions. While anti-corruption agencies with ... -
Specialised anti-corruption courts: Indonesia
Schütte, Sofie Arjon (U4 Brief 2016:4, Report, 2016-07-01)The Indonesian Court for Corruption Crimes, or Tipikor court, has handled corruption cases for more than a decade. Initially there was only one Tipikor court in Jakarta, exclusively hearing cases from the Corruption ... -
Specialised anti-corruption courts: Uganda
Schütte, Sofie Arjon (U4 Brief 2016:5, Report, 2016-07-01)The Uganda High Court has an Anti-Corruption Division (ACD) with original jurisdiction over all corruption and related cases. The main rationale for its establishment was the speedier resolution of corruption cases, and ... -
The fish’s head: Appointment and removal procedures for anti-corruption agency leadership
Schütte, Sofie Arjon (U4 Issue 2015:12, Research report, 2015-06-01)“A fish rots from the head” is the saying when an organisation’s leadership is seen as responsible for the unethical behaviour of its personnel. Undue external interference with an anti-corruption agency (ACA) is likely ... -
The Indonesian Court for Corruption Crimes: Circumventing judicial impropriety?
Schütte, Sofie Arjon; Butt, Simon (U4 Brief 2013:5, Report, 2013-09-23)The anti-corruption world has witnessed increasing institutional specialisation, including the emergence of anti-corruption courts. Indonesia’s Special Court for Corruption Crimes in Jakarta gained prominence for a nearly ... -
Tribunaux anti-corruption spécialisés: Une cartographie comparative
Schütte, Sofie Arjon; Stephenson, Matthew C. (U4 Issue 2017:1, Research report, 2017-05-01)La frustration générée par l'incapacité du système judiciaire ordinaire à traiter les affaires de corruption de manière satisfaisante a motivé de nombreux États à se doter d'une agence spécialisée dans la lutte contre la ... -
Розвиток антикорупційної практики у відбудові України: Роль державного агентства відновлення та розвитку інфраструктури
Gregirchak, Iaroslav; Schütte, Sofie Arjon (U4 Brief 2024:2, Report, 2024-02-01)Нині в Україні відбуваються дуже інноваційні та динамічні заходи, покликані захистити відновлення від корупційних інтересів. Український уряд у 2023 році доклав швидких зусиль, щоб інтегрувати антикорупційні зусилля у свою ... -
Спеціалізовані антикорупційні суди: порівняльний аналіз. Оновлене видання, 2022
Stephenson, Matthew C.; Schütte, Sofie Arjon (U4 Issue 2023:1, Research report, 2023-03-01)While there are no definitive best practices for specialised anti-corruption courts, existing models and experience provide some guidance to reformers considering the creation of similar institutions. -
Спеціалізовані антикорупційні суди: порівняльний аналіз. Оновлене видання, 2022
Stephenson, Matthew C.; Schütte, Sofie Arjon (U4 Issue 2023:1, Research report, 2023-03-01)While there are no definitive best practices for specialised anti-corruption courts, existing models and experience provide some guidance to reformers considering the creation of similar institutions. -
Спеціалізовані антикорупційні суди: порівняльний аналіз. Оновлене видання, 2022
Stephenson, Matthew C.; Schütte, Sofie Arjon (U4 Issue 2023:1, Research report, 2023-03-01)While there are no definitive best practices for specialised anti-corruption courts, existing models and experience provide some guidance to reformers considering the creation of similar institutions.