Blar i CMI Open Research Archive på forfatter "Knudsen, Are J."
Beyond cultural relativism? Tim Ingold's "ontology of dwelling"
Knudsen, Are J. (CMI Working paper, Working paper, 1998)Tim Ingold has emerged as perhaps the most interesting theoretician of Man-Environment relations. This essay traces the intellectual history of the study of environmental perceptions and Ingolds rejection of the notion ... -
Deforestation and entrepreneurship in the North West Frontier Province, Pakistan
Knudsen, Are J. (CMI Working paper, Working paper, 1996)Deforestation is a global environmental concern, but the underlying processes vary across regions and countries. In Pakistan the threat to forests and biodiversity does not come primarily from local farmers, but from ... -
Income-generating Programmes in Pakistan and Malawi: A Comparative Review
Knudsen, Are J.; Halvorsen, Kate (CMI Working paper, Working paper, 1996)This paper reviews income-generating programmes in Pakistan and Malawi organised by the Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC). It compares the different strategies chosen by the NRC regarding project design and the creation of ... -
Living in the Commons: Local Institutions for Natural Resource Management
Knudsen, Are J. (Research report, Research report, 1995)Garett Hardin' s essay "The Tragedy of the Commons" has for almost three decades stimulated research on common property regimes. This report provides an overview of this research and reviews a selection of empirical and ... -
Mountain protected areas in Northern Pakistan: the case of Khunjerab National Park
Knudsen, Are J. (CMI Working paper, Working paper, 1997)This paper discusses recent conversation efforts in Northern Pakistan and the relevance of national parks as legal instruments in nature and wildlife conservation. Employing an extensive case study approach the paper ... -
Syrian Self-settlement in Lebanon’s ‘Arrival Cities’: Refugee Livelihoods in Tripoli, Beirut, and Tyre
Forster, Robert; Knudsen, Are J. (Urban Displacement: Syria's Refugees in the Middle East, Chapter, 2024-03-01)Taking arrival cities as their point of departure, Robert Forster and Are John Knudsen compare settlement choices and outcomes for Syrian refugees living in the poorest neighbourhoods in Beirut, Tripoli and Tyre. The latter ...