Blar i CMI Open Research Archive på forfatter "Børhaug, Kjetil"
From Policy Guidelines to Problem Solving. A Critical Assessment of the National Conservation Strategies of Botswana and Zambia
Børhaug, Kjetil (CMI Working paper, Working paper, 1993)This study focuses on the National Conservation Strategies of Botswana and Zambia. The strategies contain detailed elaborations about environmental problems, goals, means and implementation. The implementation of the NCSs ... -
Local Government and Decentralisation in Sub-Saharan Africa. An Annotated Bibliography
Børhaug, Kjetil (CMI Working paper, Working paper, 1994)A renewed interest in local government and decentralisation in developing countries has emerged in recent years, and many students now turn to this subject. A substantial literature is already available, even if a lot more ... -
Politics, Administration and Agricultural Development. The Case of Botswana's Accelerated Rainfed Arable Programme
Børhaug, Kjetil (Research report, Research report, 1992)This is a case study of a large programme for arable faring in Botswana from 1985 to 1990. The focus is upon the organization of the programme. The study seeks to explain why the programme developed into an ineffective and ...