Browsing CMI Open Research Archive by Subject "Oil"
Now showing items 1-20 of 22
Always choosing the oil rents: How leaders in Angola and Venezuela brought their countries to ruin
(CMI Working Paper WP 2016:10, Working paper, 2016-11-01)Angola and Venezuela are among the most oil dependent countries in the world. When oil prices fell in 2014, these states lost half of their income base. A combined economic, political and social crisis followed. The acute ... -
Can Ghana's Institutions Withstand the Resource Curse?
(Conference object, 2013-11-19)In his presentation ' Can Ghana avoid the resource curse?' , Dr Inge Amundsen provides an overview of the economic and political explanations and consequences of the resource curse, presents the analytically important ... -
China and Angola - Strategic partnership or marriage of convenience?
(Angola Brief vol. 1 no. 1, Report, 2011-02-04)In 2004 Angola’s Ministry of Finance and China’s Ministry of Trade signed the first of several financing packages for public investment projects in Angola. These packages provided for oil-backed concessional loans from ... -
China in Africa. Implications for Norwegian Foreign and Development Policies
(Research report, Research report, 2006)China’s development will affect the history of the twenty-first century, and perhaps nowhere more importantly than in Africa. The emergence of China introduces new opportunities for Africa, new challenges and new imponderables ... -
Corporate social responsibility in the Angolan oil industry
(CMI Working paper, Working paper, 2005)What are the responsibility of oil companies in resource rich countries? Do they take these responsibilities? Based on a utilitarian perspective and theories of the resource curse, we discuss the oil companies’ corporate ... -
Corruption in Natural Resource Management - An Introduction
(U4 Brief 2008:2, Report, 2008-02-01)Natural resources often provide fertile ground for corruption. Since a substantial number of partner countries in development cooperation are richly endowed with natural resources, these contexts pose a particular challenge ... -
Corruption, corruption prevention, and good governance
(Others, 2012-11-14)A one-day programme on Good Governance and Corruption Prevention in the Petroleum Sector , in Elmina, Ghana. Arranged by Petrad for Norad's " Oil for Development " programme, as a part of a two-week training programme ... -
Doing global investments the Nordic way. The 'business case' for Equinor’s support to union work among its employees in Tanzania
(Focaal: Journal of Global and Historical Anthropology vol. 88, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020-10-01)In the Nordic countries, unions are represented in company boards and can infl uence companies’ policies toward labor abroad. Th is article focuses on the Norwegian national oil company Equinor and its support of ... -
Ghana fant olje - kan det gå bra?
(Others, 2012-11-28)(Op-ed.) Ghana found oil in 2011 - in modest quantities. With its good management and good governance, there is reason to believe Ghana will avoid falling into the "resource curse" trap. -
Grand Corruption in the Regulation of Oil
(U4 Issue 2008:2, Research report, 2008-05-07)This U4 Issue explores the topic of grand corruption in the regulation of oil. It focuses on how and why corruption can distort or prevent efficient regulation of the oil sector. The authors suggest that, though voluntary ... -
Lack of consultation. Stakeholders perspectives on local content requirements in the petroleum sector in Tanzania
(CMI Brief vol. 15 no. 15, Report, 2016-10-01)Tanzania has recently discovered huge offshore natural gas fields. This has led the Government to develop Local Content Policies (LCPs) to increase local job and business opportunities. This brief presents the main findings ... -
Mission Improbable. Does Petroleum-related Aid Address Corruption in Resource-rich Countries?
(U4 Issue 2008:3, Research report, 2008-06-05)Petroleum-related aid programmes and projects are a key part of donor activities in oil-rich developing countries. This U4 Issue explores the petroleum-related activities of three bilateral donors: Norad, CIDA and USAID. ... -
Natural resource wealth, conflict, and peacebuilding
(Synthesis Series, Research report, 2009-02-02)What connections exist between natural resource wealth and violent conflict? What do such connections imply for policies to build peace in resource-rich areas? This synthesis takes stock of what social science research has ... -
Nigeria: Governance and assistance. A political economy analysis
(Others, 2011-06-10)Presentasjon av rapporten " Good Governance in Nigeria: A Study in Political Economy and Donor Support " (Oslo, 2010, Norad, Norad Report Discussion no. 17/2010). Studien ble presentert både på et internt antikorrupsjo ... -
Oil, Human Rights and Women
(Others, 2014-09-19)The theme of this year's “Chapter Festival" is the impact of oil. The question of whether the oil is a blessing or a curse is increasingly topical. In this regard, it is natural for Amnesty to bring in the question of human ... -
Petro-Governance in Tanzania: Opportunities and Challenges
(CMI Brief vol. 15 no. 14, Report, 2016-10-01)Recent significant natural gas discoveries have pushed Tanzania into the international spotlight as a new petroleum producer. How can the country ensure that its newfound wealth is translated into economic development? ... -
Reforming corruption out of Nigerian oil? Part one: Mapping corruption risks in oil sector governance
(U4 Brief 2009:2, Report, 2009-02-11)Oil dominates the Nigerian economy and generates the vast majority of government revenues. At the same time, Nigeria is perceived as one of the world's most corrupt countries, and significant levels of corruption are said ... -
Shrinking oil: Does weak governance and corruption reduce volumes of oil produced?
(U4 Issue 2010:3, Research report, 2010-06-18)Prominent contributions to the resource curse literature suggest that weak governance and corruption are key factors behind continued poverty in resource-rich countries. How poor governance and corruption influence revenue ... -
Tackling Corruption in Oil Rich Countries: The Role of Transparency
(U4 Brief 2008:3, Report, 2008-02-01)Corruption is a huge problem in many developing countries rich in oil and other natural resources, and is central in explaining why these countries perform badly in terms of socio-economic development. Transparency reform ... -
The extractive industries transparency initiative: Impact, effectiveness, and where next for expanding natural resource governance?
(U4 Brief 2014:6, Report, 2014-05-14)The last decade has witnessed a proliferation of initiatives to improve the governance of the extractives sector. Starting with the Kimberly Process Certification Scheme in 2003 and continuing with the Global Witness/Publish ...