Browsing CMI Open Research Archive by Subject "Latin America"
Now showing items 1-20 of 28
A new conservative social movement? Latin America’s regional strategies to restrict abortion rights
(CMI Brief vol. 16 no. 5, Report, 2017-06-01)Despite increased evidence of international lobbying groups working to restrict sexual and reproductive health and rights policies at international bodies such as the United Nations, little is known about transnational ... -
Acceso a la justicia para las mujeres indígenas en América Latina
(CMI Working Paper WP 2011: 2, Working paper, 2011-02-09)Este informe ofrece un panorama de los desafíos que mujeres indígenas en América Latina enfrentan cuando acceden a la justicia oficial y a los sistemas de justicia indígena. El mismo se enfoca en los marcos normativos, la ... -
Access denied. Abortion rights in Latin America
(CMI Brief vol. 13 no. 1, Report, 2014-01-01)Millions of Latin American women face serious barriers to their sexual and reproductive rights, and they suffer serious consequences as a result. Latin American countries maintain restrictive abortion laws in spite of ... -
Comisiones de la verdad y reformas del sector seguridad y defensa en América Latina
(Journal article, 2020-03-01)El presente artículo pretende examinar la formulación y medir el nivel de implementación de las recomendaciones de la Comisión de la Verdad respecto a las ff. aa. y cuerpos de seguridad. A su ... -
Corruption as a limit to state capacity: Mobile phones in Peruvian prisons
(U4 Brief 2024:7, Report, 2024-12-01)Overcrowding and corruption in Peruvian prisons fuel mobile phone smuggling. Modern technology, better staff training, and policy reforms can enhance control and support fair governance. -
Corruption-free Education. Lessons from a State- and Civil Society Joint Initiative in Peru
(U4 Brief 2008:6, Report, 2008-03-01)A recent anti-corruption initiative targeting Peru's education sector was undertaken jointly by the Office of the Ombudsman and Transparency International's chapter in Peru, Proética. The initiative sought to help shape ... -
Data Analysis: How to deal with qualitative data
(Others, 2023-09-01)Qualitative Research + Human Rights: Bridging the Gaps Between Socio + Legal Research Writing Bootcamp + Workshop The event is organised by the Irish Centre for Human Rights and School of Law at the University of Galway ... -
Deforestation in Peru: Confronting the informal practices, state capture, and collusion
(U4 Brief 2024:5, Report, 2024-04-01)Greater transparency and accountability of elected officials, as well as enhanced environmental management, is crucial to meeting the challenges faced by those who wish to protect the Amazon. -
Derechos Humanos y Justicia en América Latina en la Agenda Académica Noruega
(Pensamiento Social Noruego sobre América Latina, Chapter, 2015-10-01) -
Explaining the Timeliness of Implementation of Truth Commission Recommendations
(Journal of Peace Research vol. 59 no. 5, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022-01-01)Truth commissions are widely seen as important peacebuilding tools partially because they issue recommendations that seek to prompt further justice initiatives to address past abuses and promote institutional reforms that ... -
From Impunity to Accountability for Human Rights Violations in Latin America: Towards an Analytical Framework
(Conference object, 2013-01-01)Why have some countries in Latin America over the last two decades shifted from widespread impunity for past human rights violations to the implementation of various forms of specific accountability measures, while others ... -
From Impunity to Accountability for Human Rights Violations in Latin America: Towards an Analytical Framework
(Conference object, 2013-01-01)Why have some countries in Latin America over the last two decades shifted from widespread impunity for past human rights violations to the implementation of various forms of specific accountability measures, while others ... -
Indigenous women's access to justice in Latin America
(CMI Working paper, Working paper, 2010)This paper gives an overview of the challenges which indigenous women in Latin America face in accessing both formal state justice and indigenous legal systems, including a focus on normative frameworks, legal awareness, ... -
Integrating corruption considerations into Nationally Determined Contributions. Insights from Colombia’s climate adaptation efforts at the local level
(U4 Issue 2022:15, Research report, 2022-11-01)Urban and local governments are vital for climate change adaptation efforts. But, as the case of Colombia shows, local administrations are not always properly equipped for the scale of the challenge. -
Iron fist politics in Colombia: A panorama of destruction
(CMI Brief vol. 11 no. 1, Report, 2012-01-23)During the last decade many Latin American countries have resorted to mano dura (iron fist) politics and militarisation to combat crime, drugs and subversion. The high number of killed, injured and displaced persons in ... -
Judicial independence and human rights policies in Argentina and Chile
(CMI Working paper, Working paper, 2001)This paper is about how varying degrees of judicial independence may influence policy making in the field of human rights. I explore factors that may account for why some Latin American courts, years after the return to ... -
Latin American Civil-Military Relations in a Historical Perspective: A Literature Review
(CMI Working Paper WP 2014:6, Working paper, 2014-07-01)Civil-military relations constitute a crucial element in the transition to substantive democracy all over the world. During periods of authoritarianism or civil war, the military in Latin America has been responsible for ... -
Latin American Civil-Military Relations in a Historical Perspective: A Literature Review
(Conference object, 2014-01-27)Civil-military relationships constitute a crucial element in the transition to substantive democracy all over the world. During periods of authoritarianism or civil war, the military in Latin America has been responsible ... -
Latin American Civil-Military Relationships in a Historical Perspective
(Conference object, 2013-01-01)Civil-military relationships constitute a crucial element in the transition to substantive democracy all over the world. During periods of authoritarianism or civil war, the military in Latin America has historically ... -
Literature Review: Democracy and Human Rights in contemporary Latin America (2015-2020) Trends, challenges, and prospects
(CMI Report R 2020:01, Research report, 2020-06-01)Abstract Through a review of scholarly and other well-informed articles as well as media reports, this CMI Report aims to summarize discussions on challenges for democracy and human rights in Latin America during the ...