Blar i CMI Open Research Archive på forfatter "Johnsøn, Jesper"
Comment assurer le suivi et l'évaluation des agences anti-corruption : Guide à l'usage des agences, des donateurs et des évaluateurs
Johnsøn, Jesper; Hechler, Hannes; De Sousa, Luís; Mathisen, Harald (U4 Issue 2012:2, Research report, 2012-05-24)Le nombre d’agences anti-corruption (AAC) à travers le monde est en constante augmentation. Pourtant, donateurs internationaux et gouvernements nationaux remettent de plus en plus en question le rôle de ces organismes qui ... -
Cost-effectiveness and cost-benefit analysis of governance and anti-corruption activities
Johnsøn, Jesper (U4 Issue 2014:10, Research report, 2014-01-01)Cost-effectiveness and cost-benefit analysis methods are currently underutilised in evaluations of governance and anti-corruption reforms in developing countries. This limits opportunities to inform policy and may lead to ... -
Developing an NGO corruption risk management system: Considerations for donors
Trivunovic, Marijana; Johnsøn, Jesper; Mathisen, Harald (U4 Issue 2011:9, Research report, 2011-09-26)Non-governmental organisations (NGOs) are often on the front line of aid delivery, managing a significant proportion of aid funds. The risk of corruption in NGO operations is therefore a significant concern. Yet so far, ... -
El papel de la sociedad civil en el proceso de examen de la UNCAC: ¿avanzar más allá del cumplimiento?
Trivunovic, Marijana; Taxell, Nils; Johnsøn, Jesper; Biason, Rita de Cássia (U4 Issue 2013:10, Research report, 2013-12-01)El papel crucial que la sociedad civil desempeña en la lucha contra la corrupción es ampliamente reconocido. La Convención de las Naciones Unidas contra la Corrupción (UNCAC) reafirma esta convicción en su preámbulo y en ... -
Elaborer un système de gestion des risques de corruption pour ONG : Réflexions à l'usage des donateurs
Trivunovic, Marijana; Johnsøn, Jesper; Mathisen, Harald (U4 Issue 2012:5, Research report, 2012-09-01)Les organisations non-gouvernementales (ONG), souvent en première ligne des activités d’aide au développement, sont amenées à gérer une part importante des fonds affectés à leurs interventions. On peut donc craindre des ... -
European Parliament hearing on "Costs of corruption in developing countries"
Johnsøn, Jesper; Taxell, Nils (Conference object, 2015-07-22) -
How to monitor and evaluate anti-corruption agencies: Guidelines for agencies, donors, and evaluators
Johnsøn, Jesper; Hechler, Hannes; De Sousa, Luís; Mathisen, Harald (U4 Issue 2011:8, Research report, 2011-09-26)The number of Anti-corruption agencies (ACAs) around the world has increased dramatically over the past decades. Nevertheless, the value of ACAs is increasingly being questioned by international donors and national ... -
Mapping evidence gaps in anti-corruption: Assessing the state of the operationally relevant evidence on donors' actions and approaches to reducing corruption
Johnsøn, Jesper; Taxell, Nils; Zaum, Dominik (U4 Issue 2012:7, Research report, 2012-11-15)This paper charts the current evidence on effectiveness of different anti-corruption reforms, and identifies significant evidence gaps. Despite a substantial amount of literature on corruption, this review found very few ... -
Methods for learning what works and why in anti-corruption: An introduction to evaluation methods for practitioners
Johnsøn, Jesper; Søreide, Tina (U4 Issue 2013:8, Research report, 2013-08-01)Evaluations of donor-funded anti-corruption reforms and programmes would benefit from upgrading and diversifying the methods used to document effects. Better evaluations in turn would improve the evidence base for the ... -
Strengthening Tanzania’s Anti-Corruption Action (STACA) Programme A Case Study Evaluation
Johnsøn, Jesper; Aiko, Rose; Messick, Richard; Mwombela, Stephen; Schütte, Sofie; Sengu, Hussein (Research report, 2016-03-01)This report summarises the findings of the independent evaluation of DfID’s Strengthening Tanzania’s Anti-Corruption Action (STACA) programme conducted by a team from the U4 Anti-Corruption Resource Centre (U4) at the Chr. ... -
The basics of corruption risk management: A framework for decision making and integration into the project cycles
Johnsøn, Jesper (U4 Issue 2015:18, Research report, 2015-12-01)Aid agencies need better systems to identify, assess, and mitigate corruption risks. Risk assessments should consider two main dimensions of an act of corruption: probability and expected impact. Cost-effectiveness ... -
The New Deal as an anti-corruption tool? Don't blame the policy, work with it
Zaum, Dominik; Johnsøn, Jesper; Gippert, Birte (U4 Brief 2015:8, Report, 2015-01-01)Full text on mobile or tablet The New Deal for Engagement in Fragile States provides a framework in which donors and host countries establish shared priorities for reducing fragility, with fragile states themselves ... -
The Proxy Challenge: Why bespoke proxy indicators can help solve the anti-corruption measurement problem
Johnsøn, Jesper; Mason, Phil (U4 Brief 2013:2, Report, 2013-07-30)Practitioners working in anti-corruption face perennial challenges in measuring changes in corruption levels and evaluating whether anti-corruption efforts are successful. These two challenges are linked but not inseparable. ... -
The role of civil society in the UNCAC review process: Moving beyond compliance?
Trivunovic, Marijana; Taxell, Nils; Johnsøn, Jesper; Biason, Rita de Cássia (U4 Issue 2013:4, Research report, 2013-05-01)Civil society plays a crucial role in the fight against corruption. The inclusion of civil society in the United Nations Convention against Corruption Implementation Review Mechanism (IRM), however, is only optional. This ... -
Theories of change in anti-corruption work: A tool for programme design and evaluation
Johnsøn, Jesper (U4 Issue 2012:6, Research report, 2012-11-22)Governments and donor agencies are under increasing pressure to show hard evidence that their interventions are effective and good value for money. Anti-corruption is a challenging field in this regard, with few evidence-based ... -
Why, when and how to use the Global Corruption Barometer
Johnsøn, Jesper; Hardoon, Deborah (U4 Brief 2012:5, Report, 2012-07-23)Data from Transparency International’s Global Corruption Barometer (GCB) is useful for diagnosing corruption. Development practitioners can in particular benefit from the tool at the early identification and formulation ...