Browsing CMI Open Research Archive by Author "De Lauri, Antonio"
Now showing items 1-20 of 59
A Critique of the Humanitarian (B)order of Things
De Lauri, Antonio (Journal of Identity and Migration Studies vol. 13 no. 2, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019-12-01)The reification of humanitarian borders generates a politics of crisis that weakens the capacity to produce structural political changes and legitimizes exceptionalism and the reproduction of hierarchized borders. In this ... -
Access to Justice and Human Rights in Afghanistan
De Lauri, Antonio (Journal of Crime, Law and Social Change vol. 60, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013-01-01)In anthropological and legal literature, the phenomenon termed ‘legal pluralism’ has been interpreted as a co-presence of legal orders which act in relation to their own ‘levels’ of referring ... -
Afghanistan. Ricostruzione, ingiustizia, diritti umani
De Lauri, Antonio (Book, 2012-01-01)Con la caduta del regime talebano nel 2001, imponenti progetti di ricostruzione sono stati avviati in Afghanistan con l'apparente scopo di democratizzare il Paese. Con riferimento al settore giustizia, il libro sviluppa ... -
Antonio De Lauri Interviews Anthony Reid
De Lauri, Antonio (Others, 2015-01-01) -
Antonio De Lauri interviews William Gervase Clarence-Smith
De Lauri, Antonio (Others, 2015-01-01) -
Antropologia giuridica. Temi e prospettive di ricerca
De Lauri, Antonio (Book, 2013-01-01)Questa raccolta di saggi rappresenta un punto di riferimento nel settore di studi dell'antropologia giuridica e colma un vuoto significativo nella letteratura in lingua italiana sull'argomento. Pensato come strumento per ... -
Armed governance: the case of the CIA-supported Afghan militias
De Lauri, Antonio; Suhrke, Astri (Small Wars and Insurgency, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021-02-01)This article examines the genealogy and behavior of the CIA militias in Afghanistan against the backdrop of persistent armed governance whereby a plurality of actors competes over control and rule. The nonaccountable use ... -
Between Law and Customs: Normative Interconnections in Kabul’s Tribunals
De Lauri, Antonio (Diogenes vol. Vol. 60(3-4), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015-01-01)The Afghan normative scenario is composed of customary practices, shari’a principles, laws promulgated by the state and international law. Studies on this arsenal tend to give special attention to the coexistence ... -
Boredom and Crisis in the Humanitarian Realm
De Lauri, Antonio (Anthropology Today vol. 30(6), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014-01-01)‘Humanitarian boredom’ produces its own perspective on the world, providing a ‘point of entry’ to the observation of humanitarianism in practice. In this paper, while problematizing both a general ... -
Corruption, Legal Modernisation and Judicial Practice in Afghanistan
De Lauri, Antonio (Asian Studies Review vol. 37(4), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013-01-01)Afghanistan’s justice system is currently at a crucial and troubled stage of development that will determine its effectiveness. This article focuses on the phenomenon of corruption inside judicial institutions. By ... -
COVID‐19, ‘dugnad’ and social control in Bergen and beyond
Telle, Kari; De Lauri, Antonio (Journal article, 2020-12-01) -
“Debtor Forever.” Debt and Bondage in Afghan and Pakistani Brick Kilns
De Lauri, Antonio (Research report, 2015-01-01) -
El humanitarismo: Una breve reseña
De Lauri, Antonio (CMI Insight 2021:04, Report, 2021-06-01)Este resumen analiza brevemente cuatro ámbitos cruciales del humanitarismo contemporáneo: la diplomacia humanitaria, la educación en situaciones de emergencia, el concepto de sociedad civil en el humanitarismo y las fronteras ... -
Entre loi et coutumes. L'interconnexion normative dans les cours de justice de Kaboul
De Lauri, Antonio (Diogène vol. 239-240, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013-01-01)Le système juridique afghan est formé de pratiques coutumiè-res, de principes de la shari‘a, de lois promulguées par l’État et denormes internationales. Cet arsenal a ... -
Examining poverty and food insecurity in the context of long-term social-ecological changes in Kabul, Afghanistan
Gautam, Yograj; Dutta, Anwesha; Jantz, Patrick; Saxena, Alark; De Lauri, Antonio (CMI Report 2023:1, Research report, 2023-05-01)This report examines how long-term socioeconomic and environmental changes have shaped the context for poverty and food insecurity in Afghanistan. An estimated 97% of the population is currently under the poverty line and ... -
Forms of Humanitarian Diplomacy
De Lauri, Antonio; Turunen, Salla (Others, 2022-04-01)Humanitarian emergencies continue to proliferate globally. Mostly driven by conflicts – but also natural hazards, climate change, famine, and epidemics – these emergencies exacerbate existing social vulnerabilities ... -
Fun in War
De Lauri, Antonio (Others, 2023-11-01) -
De Lauri, Antonio (Book, 2008-01-01)Dall'introduzione: Volgendoci alla giustizia, il nostro sguardo è spinto al di là del perfettamente misurabile, restituendoci immagini terrene e divine, storiche e mitiche, dolorose e gloriose. Le riflessioni raccolte in ... -
Gli hazara dell'Afghanistan tra asservimento, guerra ed emancipazione
De Lauri, Antonio (LARES. Quadrimestrale di studi demoetnoantropologici vol. 2016/2, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016-01-01)This article analyses the link between politics of enslavement, war and collective emancipation with particular reference to the Hazaras, an ethnic-religious minority of Afghanistan. The main objective of this paper is to ... -
Grassroots Responses to Mass Migration in Europe: Introduction
De Lauri, Antonio; Brkovic, Carna; Hess, Sabine (Intersections. East European Journal of Society and Politics vol. 7 no. 2, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021-07-01)