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Viser treff 824-843 av 1981
Humanitarianism: Keywords
(Book, 2020-09-01)Humanitarianism: Keywords is a comprehensive dictionary designed as a compass for navigating the conceptual universe of humanitarianism. It is an intuitive toolkit to map contemporary humanitarianism and to explore its ... -
Hunting for Per Diem: The Uses and Abuses of Travel Compensation in Three Developing Countries
(Research report, 2012-04-01)Cash is a great incentive. The last decade has seen a boom in various forms of cash incentive programmes, from the conditional cash transfer programmes that emerged in Latin America in the late 90’s, providing cash to ... -
Hva får vi igjen? En statistisk analyse av norske leveranser til det multilaterale bistandsmarkedet
(Research report, Research report, 1993)Omfanget av Norges salg til det bistandsfinansierte markedet blir til tider diskutert, blant annet på grunnlag av landets store bistandsbevilgninger. Denne studien tar sikte på å presentere og analysere tilgjengelig data ... -
Hva virker i utviklingspolitikken? En gjennomgang av forskningslitteraturen
(CMI Report R 2016:7, Research report, 2016-12-01)Main points in English: What works in aid -
Hvordan gjøre gode ting bedre? Norske bedrifters CSR aktiviteter i utviklingsland
(Research report, Research report, 2008)Norske bedrifter opererer i en rekke utviklingsland, hvor problemer med fattigdom, dårlig styresett og brudd på menneskerettigheter ofte er store. Når man går inn i denne typen land, stilles man overfor store utfordringer ... -
Hvorfor har militæret fortsatt makten i Burma?
(CMI Working paper, Working paper, 1993)This paper seeks to explain why the military has remained in power in Burma after the country-wide uprising for democracy in 1988. It is argued that a theoretical approach has to include a focus on the particular actors ... -
Høgt spel i Austkinahavet
(Others, 2012-10-10)The article tries to explain the background for the powerful heightening of tensions between Japan and China in the wake of the diplomatic crisis over the contested Senkaku/Diaoyu islands. -
Høringsnotat: Stortingsmelding om global helse.
(Conference object, 2012-03-22)Det norske forskningsmiljøet på globale helse er svært tilfreds med Stortingsmeldingens krystallklare budskap om at norsk politikk for global helse skal være kunnskapsbasert . Vi har vel knapt sett en melding på det ... -
Høyere skatter for de rike er en dårlig valgkampsak i Afrika
(Others, 2023-09-01)Vestlige skatteeksperter mener at høyere skatt for de rike er veien å gå for å bekjempe ulikhet. I Afrika er inntektsulikhetene enorme. Likevel nøler de afrikanske landene med å bruke ... -
"If men and women were equal, we would all simply be people". Gender and poverty in northern Mozambique
(Research report, Research report, 2009)This is the second report in the series ‘Gender Policies and Feminisation of Poverty in Mozambique’. While the first report went through existing quantitative data on the national level, this report focuses on the social ... -
Illicit financial flows and measures to counter them: An introduction
(U4 Brief 2012:9, Report, 2012-10-08)The most common sources of illicit financial flows are tax evasion and money laundering. Countermeasures include institution building strategies, international cooperation and information exchange, and fiscal transparency. ... -
Illicit Flows and Trade Misinvoicing: Are we looking under the wrong lamppost?
(CMI Insight 2016:5, Report, 2016-11-01)Illicit financial flows (IFFs) have become a high profile issue in recent years. The Sustainable Development Goals include a target (16.4: significantly reduce illicit financial and arms flows, strengthen the recovery and ... -
Impact of foreign bribery legislation on developing countries and the role of donor agencies
(U4 Issue 2014:6, Research report, 2014-09-03)Legislation prohibiting foreign bribery has been enacted and enforced by several countries, notably the United States and the United Kingdom, but its impact on developing countries is poorly understood. An analysis of ... -
Impact of management scenarios and fishing gear selectivity on the potential economic gains from Namibian hake
(CMI Working paper, Working paper, 1999)This paper develops a model for Namibian hake, which incorporates the biology, gear selectivity and the economies of the hake fisheries in a framework that allows the analysis of fishing gear impacts on the potential ... -
Impact of Village Savings and Loan Associations (VSLAs)
(Research report, 2024-06-01)This evidence review investigates the impacts of various community-based financial institutions, including Village Savings and Loan Associations (VSLAs), Self-Help Groups (SHGs), and Rotating Savings and Credit Associations ... -
Impacto do investimento petrolífero Norueguês nos países de acolhimento, com especial ênfase para Angola
(Research report, Research report, 2000)O presente relatório aborda a forma de como os investimentos petrolíferos Norueguêses, melhor poderão contríbuir para o desenvolvimento indústrial e distribuição uniforme dos dividendos nos países de acolhimento, analisando ... -
Impacts of parenting programs in low- and middle-income countries
(Research report, 2024-05-01)This evidence review explores the impacts of parenting programs in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) on child nutrition, violence against children, and caregiver and child mental health. The review synthesizes ... -
Impacts of school closures on children in developing countries: Can we learn something from the past?
(CMI Brief no. 2020:05, Report, 2020-05-01) -
Implementing a transparency and accountability policy to reduce corruption: The GAVI Alliance in Cameroon
(U4 Brief 2013:9, Report, 2013-12-04)The GAVI Alliance – an alliance of the world’s major players in global immunisation – uncovered massive misuse of its grants in Cameroon in 2011. GAVI’s Transparency and Accountability Policy triggered an investigation ... -
Implementing the illicit financial flows agenda: Perspectives from developing countries
(U4 Brief 2012:8, Report, 2012-10-03)While once considered solely a concern of law enforcement agencies; money laundering, tax evasion and secrecy jurisdictions are now perceived as important obstacles to development. Dealing with illicit financial flows is ...