Browsing CMI Open Research Archive by Title
Now showing items 695-714 of 1981
Forum: Critical ethnography
(Journal article, 2024-01-01)Ethnography is a political practice with an ambivalent relationship to power. On the one hand, it has benefitted from, legitimized and stabilized hegemonic power relations. On the other hand, it can challenge the self-evidence ... -
Forward looking review of the regional strategy on scaling up access to modern energy services in the East African community
(Research report, 2013-07-10)The East African Countries (EAC) Secretariat’s Energy Division supports regional knowledge coordination and has become a common forum for exchange of best practices and discussions on joint development, and improved ... -
Fra motstander til medspiller: Partnerskap mellom norske frivillige organisasjoner og norsk næringsliv
(Research report, Research report, 2002)Denne rapporten tar for seg partnerskap mellom norske frivillige organisasjoner og norske bedrifter. Partnerskap innebærer et mer forpliktende samarbeid for å nå felles sosiale mål enn tradisjonelt sponsorsamarbeid. ... -
Fraca previsão de receitas: Um grande desafio para uma política fiscal sólida em Angola
(Angola Brief vol. 4 no. 3, Report, 2014-04-08)A política fiscal consiste no uso da arrecadação de receitas (tributação) e da realização de despesas (gastos) pelo governo com o objetivo de monitorar e influenciar a economia da nação. Um grande desafio que se coloca à ... -
Framed Justice: The Politics of Media for the Special Tribunal for Lebanon
(Arab Journal for Political Science vol. 45-46, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015-09-01)[English abstract] The Lebanese media landscape is widely acknowledged to be a battleground for privatized outlets aligned with political elites. Each outlet vies for hegemony in a crowded and competitive marketplace of ... -
Fraud in Hospitals
(U4 Brief 2008:8, Report, 2008-05-02)Hospitals are vulnerable to corruption. In the U.S., health care fraud has been stimated to cost $60 billion per year, or 3% of total health care expenditures - much of it in the hospital sector. Hospitals account for 50% ... -
Frå vondt til verre? Afghanistan 10 år etter
(Others, 2011-09-22) -
Fredagslunsj: Tanker om Istanbul i Kairo (Friday Lunch: A note on Istanbul in Cairo)
(Arr. Idéhistorisk tidsskrift no. 1-2, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2011-05-09) -
From a Temporary Emergency Shelter to an Urbanized Neighborhood: The Abu Shoak IDP Camp in North Dārfūr
(Sudan Working Paper SWP 2016:3, Working paper, 2016-08-01)Introduction In early 2003, two rebel movements (the Sudanese Liberation Army and the Justice and Equality Movement) launched an insurgency against the rule in Khartoum. Supported by Janjaweed tribal militias, the ... -
From Aid to Partnership. A Joint Review of Norwegian - South African Development Cooperation 1995-2001
(Research report, Research report, 2003)This joint review of Norwegian – South African development cooperation was commissioned by the Norwegian Agency for Development Co-operation (NORAD)/the Norwegian Embassy Pretoria and the South African National Treasury. ... -
From Global Village to Urban Globe. Urbanisation and Poverty in Africa: Implications for Norwegian Aid Policy
(Research report, Research report, 2001)Some 52 per cent of Africa’s population are expected to live in towns and cities by 2025. There is generally an unequivocal correlation between urbanisation and economic development and growth, but in Africa this appears ... -
From Impunity to Accountability for Human Rights Violations in Latin America: Towards an Analytical Framework
(Conference object, 2013-01-01)Why have some countries in Latin America over the last two decades shifted from widespread impunity for past human rights violations to the implementation of various forms of specific accountability measures, while others ... -
From Impunity to Accountability for Human Rights Violations in Latin America: Towards an Analytical Framework
(Conference object, 2013-01-01)Why have some countries in Latin America over the last two decades shifted from widespread impunity for past human rights violations to the implementation of various forms of specific accountability measures, while others ... -
From impunity to prosecution? Sexual violence in Sudan beyond Darfur
(NOREF Report, February 2012, Research report, 2012-03-01)Serious shortcomings in Sudanese laws and practices contribute to the lack of protection of victims of rape in Sudan. There is need for comprehensive legal reform, particularly of Sudan’s Criminal Law of 1991. The ... -
From Nation-Building to Popular Culture: The Modernization of Performance in Tanzania
(Research report, Research report, 1995)This study focuses on Tanzania's efforts to use elements from ethnic expressive arts in political propaganda and in the creation of a national culture after Independence. It analyses why nationalized traditional dances ... -
From Paris to the anti-corruption project: Examining the feasibility of ownership
(U4 Practice Insight 2010:1, Report, 2010-01-04)This Practice Insight summarises lessons learned from four case studies conducted to examine what bearing the notion of ownership has on anti-corruption interventions involving the private sector. By demonstrating how ... -
From Policy Guidelines to Problem Solving. A Critical Assessment of the National Conservation Strategies of Botswana and Zambia
(CMI Working paper, Working paper, 1993)This study focuses on the National Conservation Strategies of Botswana and Zambia. The strategies contain detailed elaborations about environmental problems, goals, means and implementation. The implementation of the NCSs ... -
From refugees to revolutionaries: Camp-based Palestinians in post-civil war Lebanon
(Global moments in the Levant. A Unifob Global research project, Chapter, 2010-08-01) -
From spaces of containment to spaces of conversion
(Research report, 2022-04-01)In recent years, there has been extensive literature on the question of camps of all kinds, and the ways that the logic of encampment is spreading to other sites. Indeed, as more and more refugees settle in cities where ... -
Fun in War
(Others, 2023-11-01)