Browsing CMI Open Research Archive by Title
Now showing items 590-609 of 1929
Evolving anti-corruption practice in rebuilding Ukraine: The Agency for Restoration and Infrastructure Development
(U4 Brief 2024:1, Report, 2024-02-01)Under the pressure and constraints of an ongoing war and eager to work towards EU accession, the Ukrainian government has undertaken rapid efforts in 2023 to mainstream anti-corruption efforts into its reconstruction framework. -
Examining poverty and food insecurity in the context of long-term social-ecological changes in Kabul, Afghanistan
(CMI Report 2023:1, Research report, 2023-05-01)This report examines how long-term socioeconomic and environmental changes have shaped the context for poverty and food insecurity in Afghanistan. An estimated 97% of the population is currently under the poverty line and ... -
Excluding women: the clanization of Somali political institutions
(CMI Brief no. 2020:9, Report, 2020-07-01)Hawa Jibril, a poetess and a long-time activist for Somali women’s rights, identified male elders as a barrier to women’s inclusion in the politics and governance of their society. In her 1962 poem, ‘the ... -
Exogenous state-building: The contradictions of the international project in Afghanistan
(The rule of law in Afghanistan. Missing in inaction, Chapter, 2011-01-01)In the contemporary writing on state-building in post-conflict situations, remarkably little attention is paid to what it takes to build a state. There is much advice on policy priorities and sequencing – security, rule ... -
Expanding foreign investment in the energy sector: Challenges and risks for Bangladesh?
(CMI Brief vol. 13 no. 4, Report, 2014-04-22)Our recent research indicates that increased corruption brings increased foreign direct investment (FDI) in the extractive industries. Moreover, corruption has no effect on FDI in the energy provision industries. This brief ... -
Expectations and Fears. The impact of the 1992 Elections
(Others, 2008-01-01)Conferência sobre as Eleições em Angola. Centro de Estudos e Investigação Científica (CEIC), Universidade Católica de Angola. Terça-Feira, 4 de Novembro de 2008 -
Expectativas e receios face às eleições de 2008. O impacto de 1992
(CMI Working Paper, Working paper, 2008) -
Experience and Institutional Capacity for Poverty and Income Distribution Analysis in Angola
(Research report, Research report, 2006)The Chr. Michelsen Institute was contracted to carry out this study on previous experience in and institutional capacity for poverty and income distribution analysis in Angola. The study aims at presenting an overview of ... -
Experience from Bangladesh with ethical trading initiatives
(Research report, Research report, 2003)Since the 1990s there has been increasing concern in the North about products from the South and the conditions under which they are produced. In least developed countries labour conditions are considered to be at a very ... -
Experiences with Results-Based Payments in Norwegian Development Aid
(Evaluation Department Report 4/2015, Research report, 2015-06-01)The aim of this report is to summarize the experiences from results-based initiatives in Norwegian development cooperation and enhance the knowledge base for future decisions involving results-based payments. The report ... -
Expert adoption of composite indices: A randomized experiment on migrant resettlement decisions in Bangladesh
(CMI Working Paper WP 2022:03, Working paper, 2022-11-01)In settings where complex social decisions are made, information is often aggregated into indices to facilitate decision making. The value added of such composite indices depend, inter alia, on the extent to which decision ... -
Explaining Hamas's Changing Electoral Strategy, 1996-2006
(Government and Opposition vol. 48 no. 4, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013-01-01)Hamas, the most influential Islamist party in the occupied Palestinian territories, replaced its strategy of electoral boycott in 1996 with participation in 2006 – a change not explained in the literature. Assisted by party ... -
Explaining Maoist control and level of civil conflict in Nepal
(CMI Working paper, Working paper, 2009)Does poverty or inequality explain the Maoist insurgency in Nepal? In contrast to previous studies we limit the analysis to the hill/mountain districts of Nepal as very few terai (plains) districts are classified as Maoist. ... -
Explaining municipal governance in Kosovo: local agency, credibility and party patronage
(Southeast European and Black Sea Studies, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018-05-01)What can explain the varied effectiveness of internationally led attempts at statebuilding? This article seeks to answer this question by comparing the contrasting trajectories of governance in two municipalities in Kosovo: ... -
Explaining the Timeliness of Implementation of Truth Commission Recommendations
(Journal of Peace Research vol. 59 no. 5, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022-01-01)Truth commissions are widely seen as important peacebuilding tools partially because they issue recommendations that seek to prompt further justice initiatives to address past abuses and promote institutional reforms that ... -
Exploring new political alternatives for the Oromo in Ethiopia. Report from Oromo workshop and its after-effects
(Research report, Research report, 2009)This report is intended to stimulate a debate on political alternatives for the Oromo, an ethnic and social group in Ethiopia. It makes documents from an Oromo conference in Bergen at CMI available for the discourse among ... -
Exploring the links between UNCAC and the Paris Declaration
(U4 Brief 2009:25, Report, 2009-10-20)It is acknowledged by donors that the UN Convention against Corruption (UNCAC) should play a central role in country-level dialogue, implementation, and monitoring of anti-corruption work. At the same time, when supporting ... -
Exploring the relationship between socio-economic inequality, political instability and economic growth Why do we know so little?
(CMI Working Paper WP 2012:2, Working paper, 2012-02-08)The hypothesis that socio-economic inequality has a detrimental effect on economic growth by breeding political instability has been subject to empirical investigation for decades. However, the numerous studies in the field ... -
Exploring the Research-Policy Linkage: The Case of Reforms in Financing Primary Education in Tanzania
(CMI Working paper, Working paper, 2006)Tanzania abolished school fees in primary schools as from 2002. This move was made possible because of shifts in the policy of major donors, not least the World Bank. In the subsequent years Tanzania recorded a rapid ... -
Exploring the spatio-temporal processes of communal rangeland grabbing in Sudan
(Pastoralism vol. 8 no. 1, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018-01-01)The persistent policy of successive Sudanese governments in favouring large-scale agricultural investments at the expense of traditional land use is creating material differences among significant groups of the population. ...