Browsing CMI Open Research Archive by Title
Now showing items 139-158 of 1983
Arven fra folkemordet
(Others, 2007-11-01)Det blir ikke varig fred i Kongo uten en kursendring i Rwanda. -
Asian Models for Aid: Is there a Non-Western Approach to Development Assistance? Summary record of seminar held in Oslo, December 2006
(Research report, Research report, 2007)The expansion of the international donor community clearly challenges the current “consensus” of a new “harmonised” aid architecture, and calls for strategies on how to adjust to an aid landscape with greater plurality and ... -
Assessing Mozambique's PARP/A 2006-2011: Local perspectives
(CMI Brief vol. 11 no. 10, Report, 2012-01-01)Six years of impressive economic growth and classical poverty reduction policies in Mozambique have demonstrated the limited extent to which this has ‘trickled down’ to the local level – with the country falling on the ... -
Assessing the Implications of PARP/A in Central Mozambique 2008-2011
(CMI Brief vol. 11 no. 9, Report, 2012-01-01)Despite severe structural political and economic constraints, people in the District of Buzi in central Mozambique have seen small but important improvements in their socio-economic conditions between 2008 and 2011. In ... -
Assessing the Implications of PARPA II in Maputo 2007-2010
(CMI Brief vol. 10 no. 3, Report, 2011-07-01)Improvements having taken place in Maputo between 2007-2010 in the areas of poverty reduction, education, health, water, electricity, sanitation etc. seem – ironically – to have brought further challenges to central and ... -
Assessing the implications of PARPA II in rural Northern Mozambique 2006-2009
(CMI Brief vol. 9 no. 5, Report, 2010-09-01)This brief presents the main conclusions from the fourth in a series of six studies monitoring and evaluating Mozambique’s poverty reduction strategy PARPA II by using a combination of quantitative and qualitative ... -
Assessing the Restructuring of SADC - Positions, Policies and Progress
(Research report, Research report, 2001)This study was commissioned by Norad. The Report provides an assessment of the institutional restructuring of SADC and an input to the planning of future Norwegian assistance to regional co-operation in Southern Africa. The ... -
Assessment of environmental contamination with soil-transmitted helminths life stages at school compounds, households and open markets in Jimma Town, Ethiopia
(PLoS Negl Trop Dis . vol. 16 no. 4, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022-04-01)Background It remains largely unknown where and how infections with soil-transmitted helminths (STHs; Ascaris , Trichuris , Necator and Ancylostoma ) occur. We therefore aimed to identify possible sources ... -
Assessment of the nail contamination with soil-transmitted helminths in schoolchildren in Jimma Town, Ethiopia
(PLoS ONE vol. 17 no. 6, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022-06-01)Background Large-scale deworming programs have been successful in reducing the burden of disease due to soil-transmitted helminth (STH; Ascaris lumbricloides , Trichuris trichiura and hookworm) infections, but ... -
Assisterte returprogram til Afghanistan, Irakisk Kurdistan, Etiopia og Kosovo. Korleis gjekk det? Ei samanliknande evaluering av verknad og resultat.
(CMI Report R 2016:2, Research report, 2016-05-01) -
At the extremes: Corruption in natural resource management revisited
(U4 Brief 2016:6, Report, 2016-09-01) -
Attached Labor in Nepal: A Field-Study of Landlord-Labor Relations that are Misrepresented in the Nepal-LSMS data
(Conference object, 2004-01-01)In the LSMS data for Nepal most agricultural laborers report daily wages, while econometric analysis on the data indicates that, for many villages, the laborers actually have long-term contracts. We have visited some of ... -
Au-delà du code de conduite : Développer la compétence éthique des agents publics
(U4 Brief 2011:15, Report, 2011-12-07)Les codes de conduite peuvent-il établir des normes d’éthique réalistes pour les agents publics ? La formation à l’éthique et aux normes professionnelles peut-elle changer, dans la pratique, le comportement des agents ... -
Autarquias em Angola: Qual o problema do gradualismo?
(Others, 2013-10-21)Having been promised in the Angolan constitutions for more than two decades, locally elected municipalities with semi-autonomous administration ("autarquias") have not been implemented anywhere in Angola. By 2013, the ... -
Autonomy, Incentives and Patronage. A Study of Corruption in the Tanzania and Uganda Revenue Authorities
(Research report, Research report, 2003)The report explores factors that explain the observed patterns of corruption within the Tanzania Revenue Authority (TRA) and the Uganda Revenue Authority (URA). In particular, the study discusses the key assumptions behind ... -
- Av med de ideologiske skylappene
(Others, 2016-10-01)– Av med de ideologiske skylappene CMI-forsker Aslak Orre frykter det meste kan gå galt i Venezuela. 20. okt. 2016 10:38 , oppdatert 10:39 Barnedødeligheten i Venezuela er nå høyere ... -
Avaliando as Implicações do PARPA II em Maputo 2007 - 2010
(CMI Brief vol. 10 no. 3, Report, 2011-08-01)As melhorias que tiveram lugar em Maputo entre 2007 e 2010 nas áreas de redução da pobreza, educação, saúde, água, electricidade, saneamento, etc. parecem – ironicamente – ter trazido mais desafios aos governos central e ... -
Avaliando as implicações do PARPA II no Norte rural de Moçambique 2006-2009
(CMI Brief vol. 9 no. 5, Report, 2010-09-01)Este resumo apresenta as conclusões principais do quarto estudo duma serie de seis de monitoria e avaliação da estratégia de redução da pobreza em Moçambique PARPA II, usando ... -
Avantages et inconvénients des indemnités journalières : une entrave à la bonne gouvernance du secteur de la santé ?
(U4 Brief 2011:10, Report, 2011-11-25)Les indemnités journalières constituent un mécanisme important de remboursement des frais encourus au travail, d’encouragement à la participation aux activités de formation continue et de motivation des employés sous-payés. ...