Browsing CMI Open Research Archive by Title
Now showing items 1216-1235 of 1975
Opposition Parties and the 2008 Parliamentary Elections in Angola
(Others, 2008-01-01)Conferência sobre as Eleições em Angola. Centro de Estudos e Investigação Científica (CEIC), Universidade Católica de Angola. Terça-Feira, 4 de Novembro de 2008 -
Opposition Parties and the Upcoming 2008 Parliamentary Elections in Angola
(CMI Working Paper, Working paper, 2008)Parliamentary elections will be held in Angola on 5th September 2008, as the first elections in the country since 1992. There are now 138 political parties registered in Angola, and fourteen parties (including four party ... -
Opprinnelsesland - signal om kvalitet? En samvalganalyse av konsumenters vurderinger ved kjøp av klær fra utviklingsland
(Research report, Research report, 1992)I denne rapporten studeres norske forbrukeres oppfatning om og reaksjoner på opplysninger om opprinnelsesland for klesprodukter. Analysen viser at forbrukerne har stereotype oppfatninger om ulike lands produkter, men ... -
Optimiser la mise en oeuvre de la CNUCC : Du bon usage de la liste de contrôle pour l'autoévaluation de l'application de la Convention
(U4 Issue 2010:1, Research report, 2010-01-27)La Convention des Nations unies contre la corruption (CNUCC) constitue pour les États parties un cadre unique grâce auquel renforcer leurs capacités à prévenir et combattre la corruption. La liste de contrôle pour ... -
Orçamento, Estado e Povo. Processo de Orçamento, Sociedade Civil e Transparência em Angola
(Research report, Research report, 2007)Este estudo identifica várias deficiências no processo de orçamento em Angola. A proposta do governo não é discutida publicamente, não é preparado nenhum documento pré-orçamento, não são feitas comparações entre a despesa ... -
Organisational ethics policies: A primer
(U4 Brief 2009:4, Report, 2009-04-27)Most people are familiar with codes of conduct. Often overlooked, however, is the important role that organisational ethics policies have not only as the backbone for such strategies but also for more general policies - ... -
Organisational Performance Review of the Norwegian People's Aid
(Norad rapport: Gjennomgang 6/2012, Research report, 2012-08-01)The Norwegian People’s Aid (NPA) was established in 1939 as the trade unions’ voluntary health and solidarity organisation. NPA’s international work includes long-term development efforts and humanitarian ... -
Out of Pocket Healthcare Expenditures: Determinants and Impacts on the Livelihoods of Urban Households in Selected Sudanese States
(Sudan Working Paper SWP 2021:1, Working paper, 2021-01-01)This study investigates determinants of out-of-pocket and catastrophic healthcare expenditures (OOPHE and CHE) incurred by urban households in five Sudanese states, namely, Red Sea, Kassala, Gadarif, Sinnar, and South ... -
Outsourcing revenue collection to private agents: Experiences from local authorities in Tanzania
(REPOA Special Paper 28, Research report, 2009-04-20)This paper examines recent experiences with outsourced revenue collection to private agents in local government authorities in Tanzania. Based on evidence from four urban and three rural councils, the study examines how ... -
Outsourcing Revenue Collection: Experiences from Local Government Authorities in Tanzania
(REPOA Brief 10, Research report, 2008-04-10)Many local government authorities in Tanzania have reformed their tax collection systems in recent years in order to increase their revenue. This brief examines recent experiences with privatised revenue collection in seven ... -
Overworked? The relationship between workload and health worker performance in rural Tanzania
(CMI Working paper, Working paper, 2009)The current shortage of health workers in many low-income countries poses a threat to the quality of health services. When the number of patients per health worker grows sufficiently high, there will be insufficient time ... -
Palestina. Fakta på bakken
(Book, 2023-03-01)Et nytt perspektiv på Palestina. Hva kan det palestinske landskapet, flyktningleirer, bygninger og hus fortelle oss om utviklingen av konflikten i Palestina de siste 100 årene? I denne lille boka tar ... -
Palestinian Islamist movements: An annotated bibliography
(CMI report, Research report, 2002)This report consists of two parts. Part one gives an overview of the Islamist movements in the Occupied Palestinian Territories. The second part is a select bibliography of the main academic works in English on these ... -
Palestinian State-Formation: Prospects and Challenges. Report from a Symposium at Chr. Michelsen Institute, Bergen, Norway 24-25 May 2004
(Research report, Research report, 2004)The CMI - Muwatin symposium, held in Bergen on 24-25 May 2004, addressed both internal and external Internal challenges that were addressed were the problem of corruption, institutional mismanagement and the emergence of ... -
Palestinian Women: Is there a Unitary Conception of Rights?
(CMI Working paper, Working paper, 2006)Palestinian women’s participation in the resistance against the Israeli occupation, most notably during the first Intifada (1987-93), has been characterised as broad and active, particularly at grass roots level. This ... -
Paper tiger law forbidding FGM in Sudan
(CMI Brief vol. 16 no. 7, Report, 2017-09-01)Female genital mutilation (FGM) is still a common practice in Sudan. Nine out of ten women have been subjected to this practice. In 2009, a proposed ban on FGM in the National Child Act miserably failed to materialize. ... -
Para quando as autarquias em Angola? Se desafios são os mesmos, porquê adiar constantemente a sua implementação?
(Angola Brief vol. 4 no. 8, Report, 2014-08-11)A Constituição de 2010, na sequência da Lei constitucional de 1992, reafirmou e aclarou “o princípio da descentralização político-administrativa” (artigo 213º, 1, CRA). O Presidente da República reconheceu recentemente a ... -
Parliament of Bangladesh: Boycotts, business, and change for the better
(CMI Brief vol. 11 no. 2, Report, 2012-04-11)The monumental building of the Parliament of Bangladesh is retracted in a park in the heart of Dhaka, and gives the impression of a powerful institution. In constitutional terms, it is indeed powerful. Bangladesh is among ... -
Parliamentary-Executive Relations in Malawi 1994-2004
(CMI Working paper, Working paper, 2006)This article addresses the relationship between the legislative and executive branches of government in Malawi during the multi-party era from 1994 until 2004. The argument is threefold. First, the presidential nature of ... -
Participation, representation and taxation: why collect taxes in oil rich Angola
(Conference object, 2011-06-01)