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Viser treff 1176-1195 av 1975
Non-formal girls’ life skills programming Implications for policy and practice
(POLICY BRIEF, Research report, 2018-05-01)Research in developing countries demonstrates the importance of life skills for improving a range of outcomes for adolescent girls. These outcomes include improved psychosocial and mental health (e.g., emotional resilience, ... -
Non-resource taxation in a resource rich setting: A broader tax base will enhance tax compliance in Tanzania
(CMI Brief vol. 14 no. 8, Report, 2015-12-01)Huge reservoirs of natural gas have been discovered offshore the southern coast of Tanzania. The country might become a large producer of gas, and a potential exporter of liquefied natural gas (LNG) during the next decades. ... -
Non-state actors and anti-corruption work in Cambodia: Gaps, opportunities, and synergies
(U4 Issue 2024:6, Research report, 2024-08-01)Civil society has been restricted in recent years, but opportunities exist for engagement and impact. -
Non-state actors and anti-corruption work in Cambodia: Gaps, opportunities, and synergies
(U4 Issue 2024:6, Research report, 2024-08-01)Civil society has been restricted in recent years, but opportunities exist for engagement and impact. -
Non-state actors and democratic consolidation
(CMI Working paper, Working paper, 2009)This working paper provides a review of the literature addressing the role of civil society or non-state actors in democratic consolidation, with particular reference to Malawi. Civil society comprises private businesses; ... -
Nordic Exeptionalism in Development Assistance? Aid Policies and the Major Donors: The Nordic Countries
(Research report, Research report, 2006)The Nordic countries are often praised for their efforts in development assistance and commended for their generosity. Over the last few decades the Nordic countries and the Netherlands have consistently been among the ... -
Norges rolle i Sri Lanka
(Conference object, 2015-03-26)Vår innsats i Sri Lanka et brudd med «den norske modellen» slik vi lærte den å kjenne fra Midtøsten eller Guatemala. Det var også noe annet som var nytt i tilfellet Sri Lanka. Vi ser et bredere globalt maktskifte der ... -
Norway and Security Sector Reform in Developing Countries
(Research report, Research report, 2003)Security sector reform addresses two main challenges: (1) assisting institutions capable of providing security for the state and its citizens and (2) ensuring appropriate governance of these institutions in accordance with ... -
Norway and the NGO Channel The Case of South Africa
(CMI Working paper, Working paper, 2004) -
Norwegian aid to food security, nutrition and agriculture
(CMI Report R 2018:01, Research report, 2018-01-01)The report reviews available research on the links between agriculture and the rest of the economy, with a focus on structural adjustment and the role of agriculture in economic growth and poverty reduction. Furthermore, ... -
Norwegian Anthropology and Development: New Roles for a Troubled Future?
(Anthropology in Norway: Directions, Locations, Relations, Chapter, 2021-11-01)This book traces the history, growth and wide-ranging public engagements of social anthropology in Norway. An outcome of the Norwegian Anthropology Day at the Royal Anthropological Institute, the book explores diverse ... -
Norwegian Development Aid Evaluations 1980-1989. A Bibliography
(Research report, Research report, 1992)This is the second volume in a bibliographical series on Norwegian development policy and development research in the 1980s. This bibliography registers and covers evaluation studies and project-related pre-feasibility ... -
Norwegian Development Aid: A Paradigm Shift in the Making?
(Forum for Development Studies, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022-07-01)Norway has remained committed to allocating one percent of its Gross National Income in developing aid. Poverty reduction has also stayed as an overarching objective for the aid budget. The commitment to these traditional ... -
Norwegian development assistance in support of social safety nets
(CMI Report R 2021:4, Research report, 2021-08-01)This report is commissioned by Norad as a mapping of Norwegian development assistance in support of social safety nets. It was found that a large share of the support comes in the form of emergency aid via the World Food ... -
Norwegian non-military collaboration with Afghanistan: A slightly different approach
(Noref Policy Brief, Research report, 2012-09-27)Norway has a long history of providing humanitarian assistance to Afghanistan through non-governmental organisations and the United Nations, and has played an active role in aiding the rebuilding and development of the ... -
Norwegian Research on Human Rights and Justice in Latin America
(Norwegian Social Thought on Latin America, Chapter, 2016-08-01) -
Norwegian Support to Bunda College of Agriculture - Phase II. An Evaluation
(Research report, Research report, 2005)This report is an evaluation of NORAD’s support to Bunda College of Agriculture, University of Malawi to the tune of NOK 35 million for the period 2001–2004. Results were assessed in five output areas: (a) organisational ... -
“Not a single crack where the light can come in” Civil-military relations in contemporary Honduras
(CMI Working Paper WP 2016:1, Working paper, 2016-01-01)This CMI Working Paper draws from several years of research in Honduras, including a series of interviews in February 2015, to assess the relationship between civilian and military authority in Honduras today. It highlights ... -
Not so great expectations: Gas revenue, corruption and willingness to pay tax in Tanzania
(CMI Brief vol. 15 no. 4, Report, 2016-02-01)Huge reservoirs of natural gas have been discovered offshore the southern coast of Tanzania. There are high expectations that exploitation of natural resources will substantially increase Tanzania’s national income. This ... -
Not so petty: Corruption risks in payment and licensing systems for water
(U4 Brief 2009:26, Report, 2009-11-10)The water “business” involves large numbers of consumers using water in different ways including households, industries, and farms. Management of water at the user level, and the associated collection of charges or fees, ...